Phenom | Spider

April 18th 2008
12,596 times
Outstanding (7.0)
Voting Graph 9 votes total
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics AMD CrossFire
System Specs:
  • AMD Phenom 9600 @ 2.5GHz
  • MSI K9A2 790FX Platinum Motherboard - 1.1B3 Bios
  • Scythe Katana II Heatsink
  • Sapphire HD3870 512MB
  • MSI HD3870 512MB
  • G.Skill 4x1GB DDRII PC26400
  • Samsung DVD +/- RW SATA
  • HEC Black Steel Case
  • Acer AL2016W 20" LCD
  • Thermaltake 600W Modular PSU
  • Used a Dremel to cut holes to hide the cables better. Added some foam on the bottom inside of the case. Other than that, nothing too special. Just a clean case with goodies. I think I did the best I could with the cable management. The case is limited.
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53 Comments on Phenom | Spider

post some pics with it all together and maybe running. but looks good so far. 7/10 i'll vote when theres more pics
Posted on Reply
My stars went supernova
Your spider is missing 3 legs, hence 3 video cards(or 3 gpus).

I vote fair on how your rig appears ATM.
Posted on Reply
More pics coming today or tomorrow. I took those right when it was built, more pics to come for sure.
Posted on Reply
Hey, did that heatpipe interfere with your vid card?
Posted on Reply
8/10. technically Spider = two or more GPU's but it sounds cool :p
Posted on Reply
pentastar111Hey, did that heatpipe interfere with your vid card?
Nope! Barely fits over it.

Shadow, I have two 3870's, the second one isn't pictured. I plan to tidy things up more and take some new pics.
Posted on Reply
I did some cable management today, cleaned things up big time. I updated the pics but the thumbs are showing the old ones for some reason. The case isn't the best case to hide cables, I did what I could with the almighty dremel tool. BTW, I dont have any cathodes or led fans so its pretty basic. The last pic shows how it looks when turned on... normal looking. I plan to add red led fans before it gets too hot here in Tucson. Here is my case if anyone is interested in it:
Posted on Reply
Dude I just noticed your using the case power supply I would work on getting that replaced asap.
Posted on Reply
good spec,good cable menangment,but change cpu cooler( zalman 9500) and put 12 cm fan on the back and on the front of the case.6/10 from me!
Posted on Reply
zvonjolagood spec,good cable menangment,but change cpu cooler( zalman 9500) and put 12 cm fan on the back and on the front of the case.6/10 from me!
Zalman? Err for cheaper you could get a Xigmatek HDT S1283 which provides the top end performance... no idea why you would go for the Zalman over this cooler.
Posted on Reply
if you really want this to be a Spider PC I suggest you keep a lookout for t_ski's upcoming review :D and that's all I can say ;)
Posted on Reply
tkpenaltyZalman? Err for cheaper you could get a Xigmatek HDT S1283 which provides the top end performance... no idea why you would go for the Zalman over this cooler.
Posted on Reply
My stars went supernova
Looks a lot better now:)

Going to up the score I gave a bit.
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I voted 9/10 because:

nice cable management
Posted on Reply
cable management looks like mine so I voted 9, I don't think anyone deservs a nobel peace prize for thier rig :(
Posted on Reply
Any recommendations for what wattage PSU to get? Will 600-650 be enough for the current hardware along with 3 additional 120mm fans? I'm trying to stay with what I need.
Posted on Reply
batmangAny recommendations for what wattage PSU to get? Will 600-650 be enough for the current hardware along with 3 additional 120mm fans? I'm trying to stay with what I need.
500W Will be enough. Fans use barely any power (unless you are using deltas...) normally. I'd grab the corsair HX520 :) or the 450VX.
Posted on Reply
I voted 3/10 because:

does the words "Case Mod Gallery" mean sumthin 2 u case i cant see a custom mod that you performed on your machine.....just a bunch of fancy hardware. untill you do some modding 3/10 will be my vote for now
Posted on Reply

Thats sweet, if it has a window, I would custom cut some diamond plating to cover up the side of the 5.25/3.25 HDD bays, and power supply. thats what i plan to do to my Rig, altho i dont know how this will affect the temp...
Posted on Reply
cute_kidchuckyI voted 3/10 because:

does the words "Case Mod Gallery" mean sumthin 2 u case i cant see a custom mod that you performed on your machine.....just a bunch of fancy hardware. untill you do some modding 3/10 will be my vote for now
What the hell is the point of leaving a dumb post like this!!! What do you got!

Anyway, 9/10.
Posted on Reply
CrackerJackWhat the hell is the point of leaving a dumb post like this!!! What do you got!

Anyway, 9/10.
i saw your rig too and i would give you the same score. Most of guys just show how your money was well spent on expensive parts instead of doing some modding to ya'll rigs. i wouldnt call "cable management" any sort of modding either. And by the way i have got sumthin. it may not "cost" as much as ya'lls but at least it has little mod 2 it.
Posted on Reply
cute_kidchuckyi saw your rig too and i would give you the same score. Most of guys just show how your money was well spent on expensive parts instead of doing some modding to ya'll rigs. i wouldnt call "cable management" any sort of modding either. And by the way i have got sumthin. it may not "cost" as much as ya'lls but at least it has little mod 2 it.
Since when is it required to go nuts with led's and misc. modding? How is what I'm doing any cheaper than what you have? I built MY rig the way I want it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Its totally cool with me. But I think its quite rude to go bashing someone for being creative in their own way. I'm more of a clean and simple type of modder. If its not functional, I don't do it. I wouldn't have bought two 3870's if it wasn't functional. Have you ever played Call of Duty 4 on a CrossFire'd or SLI'd setup? Its awesome. I went with a CrossFire setup for a reason. Not just to show off how much money I can spend. How rude would it be if I went around bashing people's rigs because I thought LED's and cathodes were stupid? Be constructive with your comments. Its a waste of everyones time to bash on people's rig's. I gave you a 4/10. Your rig has nice hardware, but it really could use better cable management. You could also use some canned air to clean up the dust build up on the fans and in the case in general. Those two things alone are killing the score it deserves. See, I'm constructive.
Posted on Reply
batmangSince when is it required to go nuts with led's and misc. modding? How is what I'm doing any cheaper than what you have? I built MY rig the way I want it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Its totally cool with me. But I think its quite rude to go bashing someone for being creative in their own way. I'm more of a clean and simple type of modder. If its not functional, I don't do it. I wouldn't have bought two 3870's if it wasn't functional. Have you ever played Call of Duty 4 on a CrossFire'd or SLI'd setup? Its awesome. I went with a CrossFire setup for a reason. Not just to show off how much money I can spend. How rude would it be if I went around bashing people's rigs because I thought LED's and cathodes were stupid? Be constructive with your comments. Its a waste of everyones time to bash on people's rig's. I gave you a 4/10. Your rig has nice hardware, but it really could use better cable management. You could also use some canned air to clean up the dust build up on the fans and in the case in general. Those two things alone are killing the score it deserves. See, I'm constructive.
Forgive me if it seems like im bashing on your rig. Its just that when i see your rig i want to do sumthin modular with it ...for example spraying the inside of the chasis to black to compliment those red power houses u got. then i definitely give that rig sumthin it deserves but i just dont see anything "unique" besides your wire management which is great cause i can learn a thing or too from you.
Posted on Reply
No problem at all. I like the idea of spraying the inside black, that would definitely compliment the red parts within. I get what you mean, its bland. I just happen to like stuff bland. Simple and clean! :)
Posted on Reply
batmangNo problem at all. I like the idea of spraying the inside black, that would definitely compliment the red parts within. I get what you mean, its bland. I just happen to like stuff bland. Simple and clean! :)
well in that case i give you a 8/10 for being "bland" not for modding. That thermaltake ps on newegg would give u a 10/10
Posted on Reply
That Thermaltake PSU will be in my rig tomorrow. Just waiting for it to arrive! Then, its OC time.
Posted on Reply
I like it...Very clean cables...decent hardware...good stuff
Posted on Reply
pentastar111I like it...Very clean cables...decent hardware...good stuff
Thanks pent. I uploaded some newer photos. I recently installed a Thermaltake 600W modular PSU and installed some foam/padding whatever you call it that comes with motherboards. I did the best I could with the new psu, sadly I got better cable management results with the generic PSU. I did what I could considering the case.
Posted on Reply
New pics coming soon. Finally added a 120mm exhaust fan. Antec Red LED 120mm. :)
Posted on Reply
cute_kidchuckyi saw your rig too and i would give you the same score. Most of guys just show how your money was well spent on expensive parts instead of doing some modding to ya'll rigs. i wouldnt call "cable management" any sort of modding either. And by the way i have got sumthin. it may not "cost" as much as ya'lls but at least it has little mod 2 it.
I've done some mods to my case too, and i bet you payed more for your system then I did.

can't wait to see the pic :)
Posted on Reply
Superb W/M & build, If you don't mind,, as for you liking functional,, your hard drive would stay cooler if it was moved down & a front intake fan was added, Also for the backside of the motherboard where the tape is,,, performance-PCs sells self adhesive zip tie mounts that work great .

........ Have time check out my Rig Thanks.
Posted on Reply
hey batmang, nice clean pc there. I like the simplicity there. Defenitely +1 point for nice airflow because of cable management. I really suck at it. I should learn from you. 8/10.

BTW I just finised building my latest Phenom build. What temps are you getting? idle/load and what volts for the cpu.

I used 9500 + ECS A770M-A + 3450 + Silenx Direct contact heatpipe cooler. Cheap server. Ocd to 2.45 @ 1.22V Idle 38C and load 50C.

Posted on Reply
steelkaneSuperb W/M & build, If you don't mind,, as for you liking functional,, your hard drive would stay cooler if it was moved down & a front intake fan was added, Also for the backside of the motherboard where the tape is,,, performance-PCs sells self adhesive zip tie mounts that work great .

........ Have time check out my Rig Thanks.
Thanks Steel, I will look into those zip ties. That would be nice to have for sure. I've been meaning to move the hard drive, I've been lazy :P
suraswamihey batmang, nice clean pc there. I like the simplicity there. Definitely +1 point for nice airflow because of cable management. I really suck at it. I should learn from you. 8/10.

BTW I just finised building my latest Phenom build. What temps are you getting? idle/load and what volts for the cpu.

I used 9500 + ECS A770M-A + 3450 + Silenx Direct contact heatpipe cooler. Cheap server. Ocd to 2.45 @ 1.22V Idle 38C and load 50C.

Thanks Sura! I'm always been a fan of function over form. If its not useful, I don't add it. I will say that I'm glad I got the RED LED fan. It adds character to the case and is still functional in removing air without being TOO loud. It is manually speed adjustable, which was the main reason I bought it.

My idle temps at stock settings range from 32-35C. Load at stock settings is around 45C. At 2.5GHz, I stay at default vcore (1.200v), temps idle are usually 35-37C, load is around 48-50C. I'm planning to get a replacement heatsink and fan solely to reduce temps. I don't plan to overclock more than 2.5GHz. I've been running my setup at default settings to reduce heat, its already 100+ here in Tucson, AZ.
Posted on Reply
Thanks batmang. I did some cable management (not extreme), moved the DVD drive from upper slot to lower but one slot. Pushed all the extra cables from PSU into the upper open space. Tucked the IDE cable away from the air flow area. Moved 1 HDD to upper most slot and 1 to lower most slot so air can flow from front holes (soon will add a 80mm fan). Stuck a 70mm fan on the northbridge chipset (which almost burnt my fingers). Put a 120mm silent Ultra fan down near the video card case side vent so it pushes cold air from down and when it becomes warm it will raise and pass thru the CPU cooler which is a vertical mount one and thru the back. Replaced the crappy test 500W psu to high quality Antec Trio 430W. The antec psu has special fan power connectors that will control the speed of the fans based on the load and temp inside the case. CPU heatsink has 92mm blue led SilenX quiet fan. All in all this monster has become exteme quiet and efficient. After all this pain I got idle temps 34C and load 45C, thats 4 to 5C less.

This is my $10 test case

After removing 754 components from another case this set will be moved into that case which is very good in airflow.

Thanks man. Hope you don't mind posting my long reply.
Posted on Reply
suraswamiThanks batmang. I did some cable management (not extreme), moved the DVD drive from upper slot to lower but one slot. Pushed all the extra cables from PSU into the upper open space. Tucked the IDE cable away from the air flow area. Moved 1 HDD to upper most slot and 1 to lower most slot so air can flow from front holes (soon will add a 80mm fan). Stuck a 70mm fan on the northbridge chipset (which almost burnt my fingers). Put a 120mm silent Ultra fan down near the video card case side vent so it pushes cold air from down and when it becomes warm it will raise and pass thru the CPU cooler which is a vertical mount one and thru the back. Replaced the crappy test 500W psu to high quality Antec Trio 430W. The antec psu has special fan power connectors that will control the speed of the fans based on the load and temp inside the case. CPU heatsink has 92mm blue led SilenX quiet fan. All in all this monster has become exteme quiet and efficient. After all this pain I got idle temps 34C and load 45C, thats 4 to 5C less.

This is my $10 test case

After removing 754 components from another case this set will be moved into that case which is very good in airflow.

Thanks man. Hope you don't mind posting my long reply.
$10! That is a good deal. And no, no problem with me if you post a long reply. I'm glad i inspired you to clean things up. BTW, where is your case gallery link, I'm interested in seeing how things look now that you describe it all. :P
Posted on Reply
I like the clean and simple look ill be taking that route with my next case, but cathodes and led's can look really old really fast if not done properly.

But 8/10 from me, quality components and nice cable management.
Nice job :)

Posted on Reply
batmang$10! That is a good deal. And no, no problem with me if you post a long reply. I'm glad i inspired you to clean things up. BTW, where is your case gallery link, I'm interested in seeing how things look now that you describe it all. :P
Still haven't finished because its only temporary. I will switch to another case and post some pics. If this actually runs cool i may leave it alone.

Yeah, I bought open box for $10 he he.
Posted on Reply
BTW did that AMD heatpipe cooler come with your phenom? Damn mine didn't. Came with the sucky cheap aluminum cooler.
Posted on Reply
suraswamiBTW did that AMD heatpipe cooler come with your phenom? Damn mine didn't. Came with the sucky cheap aluminum cooler.
It sure did. It keeps its decently cool, however.. I'm sure an aftermarket one with a bigger higher CFM fan would give better results.
Posted on Reply
Added new pics with newly installed Scythe Katana II. Fit PERFECTLY in my case. Dropped my Phenom 9600's temps about 2-3c idle, and a whopping 12-13c load. Efficient, VERY quiet, perfect for Phenom's IMO.
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I voted 10/10 because:

Very nice man! Just took my 8 vote back and gave you a 10. Your rig really changed and its a ton better than what you started with! Great work with it!
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