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well i haven't done anything really to it... except adding a couple uv lights, this is actually the first case i bought that i really feel don't need to enhance its features. I even love the look of the case once i close it up with all the different compartments.
I wish that i had took a before picture though as it was looking real messy... I still think i got ways to go to cleaning it up a little more but i need to go out and buy some cable sleeves. I'm thinking of adding water cooling down the road and definitely have to take out the front 12cm fan as it is offsetting the rest of the case because it is a red led and everything in the case is blue even on my mobo and the front panel on the case... Really don't have a clue as to what TT was thinking. I did want to put my case up as I wanted you guys opinion on it so far and also any suggestions that you all might have. CPU idle 24-28c full load while stress testing 39c, vgas idle @40 full load stress testing 54c... case 32c load 37c.
24 Comments on AM3
It's also in my sig. " Rate my rig! "
what watercooling system is that and what would you recommend.
great temps, btw!
CF owns :D
I gotta give it 8/10 since theres no mods done, but as i've said mighty clean case... maybe throw in some LED fans, and maybe throw in a night shot to see those UV's in action
Good job :thumb:
Check out mine at:
It needs better pictures. Not much to see 'cause of pictures.
that must be the lamest excuse i have ever heard. If its the pictures are the problem then im sorry my friend you need to get your eyes checked out; you are the only one aside from the first post who talked about pictures and the first post doesn't count because that poster could not actually see anything because the pictures weren't uploaded at the time. if you had stated something about it not being modded i wouldn't have any gripes toward ya but man some people are just plain wrong.
but i appreciate your comment at least you took the time to express your feelings. :-)
addition: and in case you didn't know the case is compartmentalized it is supposed to look like that after a finished job. it separates the power supply from the video card and the video card is also separated from the top half of the motherboard.
but its kinda looks empty