I Did The Paint Job of Chassis Sleeved the PSU by MDPC-X Sleeves, Modded one Fan Blades To Red, Modded GPU To Match the color Scheme
Yep Not a Hot Shot Specs But I Tried to make a Neat and Good Looking Rig As Much as Possible :)
Those Looks Nice as well but i like the Heatsink of Tridents
moreover hyperX isnt available at my country for that had to import customs duties will break off the deal
You title it Red dragon but I gotta say it's pretty standard with little actual modding. So IMO this is not Red Dragon worthy. For those of you who are in the know you'll understand my red dragon reference.
Thanks Afterlife
Thanks guys for the good response :)
the Rig is Still in Process
Tilldeath mate :) I Agree what u meant i named it becoz i am using AMD RED DRAGON HAF 932
i wanted to have the Subtle Red Feel Not way to over Not way under you can see that on my sleeve job as well
16 Comments on Pleasant's Red Dragon
www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=1991&pageID=10085 the serialnuber sticker is noraly on the other side
moreover hyperX isnt available at my country for that had to import customs duties will break off the deal
mention not Trident got Black Pcb with Turbulence II Series Cooler compared to hyper x
Some folks should really work on their cable management. And there's lots of you out there.
I like it. :)
This is by far one of my favorite case mods that i've seen on this website. Great job.
Thanks guys for the good response :)
the Rig is Still in Process
Tilldeath mate :) I Agree what u meant i named it becoz i am using AMD RED DRAGON HAF 932
i wanted to have the Subtle Red Feel Not way to over Not way under you can see that on my sleeve job as well