GIGABYTE, the world's leading premium hardware brand, introduces its latest gaming headset line, the FORCE H Series. Crafted for music lovers and audio-savvy gamers having uncompromising enthusiasm for music and gaming audio, the new FORCE H Series consist of five headsets that are all packed with unique ergonomic design and extraordinary audio engineering, delivering the optimized multi-dimensional comfort in sound, wear and control. Its sleek profile incorporates rigid, directional angles with asymmetrically polygonal patterns that beautifully stretch throughout the entire body, screaming a loud racing outlook that prepares gamers to fire on all cylinders for the upcoming battles.
Sound in Comfort
Each FORCE H Series headset is engineered with different audio technology suitable for each gaming needs. The flagship H7 and H5 feature real 5.1 and virtual 7.1 surround sound engine respectively for gamers seeking professional grade gaming audio performance. For immersive, true-to-life gaming experience, the H3 and H3X, built in with 50 mm neodymium magnet driver and inclined chambers, offers crisp in-game details with explosive bass and incredible positional audio to hardcore gamers. The H1 comes with high-fidelity sound quality via Bluetooth technology, making it perfect for mobile gaming.