News from AOpen, Foxconn, S3 and Soltek. Also in this report you will find all R520 and ATI's SLI info we could get.
For the stereotype american the remote control is probably the most important aspect of his home life. That's probably why Thermaltake is the first manufacturer to create a fan controller that can be controlled via infrared remote. This is a great idea if you use your computer to watch movies - turn down the fan to reduce noise while you are watching.
Silent and powerful? Is the included CPU HSF worth it?
Zalman has added a second heatpipe and a pretty blue finish. The dissipation area is also bigger, but does this warrant an upgrade?
The 5V and 3.3V lines are exceptionally stable. The 12V line tends to fluctuate a bit, but stayed above 12V at all times. All lines are well within the limits set by the ATX Specification.
Revision 3 adds compatibility with AIW and 9600 cards. What else is new?
Arctic silence? Great performance? Can you have both?
Two Heatsinks, Dual Heatpipe, additional 9000 RPM blower fan - how cold can it get?
Can heatpipe technology keep your card cool?