While the EK-Supremacy Classic RGB is priced just low enough to be good value, the EK-XRES 140 SPC PWM Classic RGB definitely does more in that regard. Indeed, direct comparisons must be drawn to the
EK-XTOP SPC-60 standalone pump at $75, making the additional $15 for the reservoir and RGB lighting seem well worth it. Add in the
EK-XRES 100 SPC-60 MX PWM at $95, though, and we are now left wondering why EK is still listing this older reservoir/pump combo unit at all unless you absolutely need a smaller reservoir. If you detest RGB lighting, which the older product does not have, simply refrain from connecting the RGB cable and call it a day.
Even compared to the general market as a whole, this combo unit fares better overall again, especially if you are looking for a cylindrical reservoir that can show off your coolant and also want some RGB lighting. I am sure there will be comments about why RGB lighting is included in a product targeting a clean, minimalist look, but we all know this is quickly becoming an expected feature for PC builds in general, if it isn't already. The rest of the reservoir and pump combo unit is simple, and again, all EK is doing is finding a new customer base for their existing products with simple tweaks here and there.
I had already tested the EK SPC-60 pump when it launched a few years ago, and it has not changed since. Luckily, neither has the rest of the pump market in the PC DIY watercooling sector, so its positives and negatives from then hold true here too. It can effectively be compared to a Laing D5 at ~3500 RPM, which used to be the popular setting 3 on the D5 Vario version for those who remember it before PWM control took over. It churns out enough coolant to keep it turbulent, which is all one really wants, and can go further as need be without being loud. I dare say the EK-XRES 140 SPC PWM Classic RGB is plenty for the vast majority of end users, and the price point helps drive for the recommendation as well.