Liquid Flow Restriction
I use a Swiftech MCP50X pump with a FrozenQ 400mL cylindrical reservoir. The pump is powered through a direct SATA connection to an EVGA 1300G2 PSU and controlled by an Aquacomputer Aquaero 6 XT. There is a previously calibrated in-line flow meter and Dwyer 490 Series 1 wet-wet manometer to measure the pressure drop of the component being tested. Every component is connected to the manometer by the way of 1/2" x 3/4" tubing, compression fittings, and two T-fittings.
The higher surface area of the microfins and thinner microchannels ultimately result in a fairly high restriction CPU block, with both this and the Optimus Signature V2 (same cold-plate design) taking the highest two spots at the moment as both are nearly identical. The company does claim their blocks are optimized for the more typical custom loop pumps from Xylem, which is their way of saying they are aware these are not going to be great options for the weaker pumps used in copper AIOs and standalone solutions.