If you know the Glorious Model O/O-/D software then this one should look familiar to you. All available options are accessible on a single page: profile management, button remapping, and macro functionality, with four tabs on the right side that control CPI settings, lighting, mouse parameters, and polling rate (125/250/500/1000 Hz). CPI adjustment is possible from 100 to 16,000 CPI, in increments of 100 CPI for up to six levels, which can be color-coded as well, and independently for the x and y-axis. "Mouse parameter" merely controls the default Windows cursor settings. With the latest firmware and software, a slider for adjusting debounce delay is included too (4–16 ms, in increments of 2 ms). On my system, the software had a RAM footprint of 10 MB on average.
The LIX Plus has three zones for RGB lighting, which are the scroll wheel, logo at the back, and underside RGB strip. Through the software, ten available pre-defined lighting effects are selectable. These are Colorful Streaming (default), Steady, Breathing, Colorful Tail, Neon, Colorful Steady, Flicker, Stars Twinkle, Wave, and Reaction. "Colorful Streaming" has the colors blend into each other organically. "Steady" is a permanent single color. "Breathing" is a multi-color fade-in and fade-out effect. "Colorful Tail" sends whole shocks of color back and forth throughout the RGB zones. "Neon" is a multi-color transition effect. "Colorful Steady" displays a permanent variety of colors. "Flicker" is exactly what the name implies. "Stars Twinkle" is a multi-color alternate effect. "Wave" lights up all RGB zones with varying colors. "Reaction" is a single-color breathing effect. All effects can be previewed live in the software, without applying the changes every time. Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the direction and the speed of transitions on some effects. Of course, it is also possible to disable the lighting altogether.
Color accuracy and vibrancy are excellent throughout. Here's a short demonstration video of the "Colorful Streaming," "Colorful Tail," and "Wave" lighting effects: