The XTracPads Ripper impresses with the wide aspect ratio. It is roughly as big as a 19 inch 16:10 LCD monitor. This is also the reason XTracPads has created such a mouse pad. With more and more monitors stretching 16:10 these days the gaming surface should offer a similar layout. The Ripper is soft, feels great and mouse movement is really smooth. It is not made for a specific type of game or gamer and the size, speed and accuracy should make it a good pad for anyone with 16:10 monitor. Only low sensitivity gamers may find themselves missing the height of a large 4:3 ratio pad at times.
The Ripper will also need a lot more horizontal space than you may think when looking at the pictures. A total desktop width of around four feet should be minimum. Keep the pad away from liquids and clean it on a regular basis and you should be happy with the Ripper for quite some time.