Friday, July 18th 2014

TSMC May Lose 16 nm and 14 nm Market Share to Competitors in 2015: Chairman

TSMC may lose out on orders to competing fabs on the 16 nanometer (nm) and 14 nm nodes, in terms of market share, in 2015, according to company chairman Morris Chang. Chips built on the 16 nm node will amount to single-digit percentages of the company's output in the year. Samsung Electronics is expected to take the lead on these processes, as it just netted orders from Qualcomm, a major mobile baseband chip and SoC designer.

Chang stressed that 20 nm and 16 nm will drive revenue for the next three years for major fabs. 20 nm products will account for 10 percent of TSMC's revenues in Q3 2014, will expand to 20 percent in Q4, and contribute over 20 percent of TSMC's revenues in 2015. TSMC's 16 nm node will be competitive for products such as mobile baseband chips, ICs, GPUs, NICs, and server chips. Despite these setbacks in the company's competitive outlook, it expects its revenues to grow by 12.6 to 14.2 percent sequentially in Q3 2014, year over year.
Source: DigiTimes
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27 Comments on TSMC May Lose 16 nm and 14 nm Market Share to Competitors in 2015: Chairman

Sony Xperia S
Guys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
Are you drunk? How, exactly, is this irrelevant to tech products, considering that the 16 and 14nm nodes are the future of both NVIDIA and AMD gpus.
Also, loosing Qualcomm, who makes the snapdragon widely used in smartphones, to samsung would be a huge blow, and evidence that TSMC may be having quite a bit of trouble with the new processes. There are also rumors that apple is moving some A8 production back to samsung as well.

but, yeah, COMPLETELY irrelevant to technology, we are only talking about one of the largest fab companies in the world that makes cpus, gpus, and other technology products.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
But this is technology news. Some of us like to know which of these technology companies who's hardware we buy is going down the crapper, and whether they're screwing us so hard they're making phat stacks of cash. Sadly, you do not represent the population of TPU.

Eye of the beholder and all that.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
RCoonBut this is technology news.
It is not directly related to any product and its technical specification, characteristics, it doesn't review any product which is exactly what I am speaking about but you seem not be able to understand. But I will not be angry on you (and probably not to anyone else) since it just represents your abilities. :)
RCoonSome of us like to know which of these technology companies who's hardware we buy is going down the crapper, and whether they're screwing us so hard they're making phat stacks of cash. Sadly, you do not represent the population of TPU.

Eye of the beholder and all that.
Yes, but you cannot do anything with this information regarding the justice. How many times we write that they overcharge us and the only thing that happens is to get worse each year.

We all know they are making loads of money and whether they increase / decrease their profits with few percents each quarter is complete bullshit having no direct connection with any product at your home or office or wherever you use them.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SIt is not directly related to any product and its technical specification, characteristics, it doesn't review any product which is exactly what I am speaking about but you seem not be able to understand. But I will not be angry on you (and probably not to anyone else) since it just represents your abilities. :)

Yes, but you cannot do anything with this information regarding the justice. How many times we write that they overcharge us and the only thing that happens is to get worse each year.

We all know they are making loads of money and whether they increase / decrease their profits with few percents each quarter is complete bullshit having no direct connection with any product at your home or office or wherever you use them.
Then don't read the article. Go elsewhere if it offends you.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
I disagree. My interest in tech is almost solely because I believe that PC gaming and building my own rig go hand in hand but from my perspective it's good to have access to background info to make decisions on what to buy and when to plan upgrades. I can take or leave a lot of articles if they don't concern my interests. Some here work in the tech field and it's how they make their living. I imagine they would be interested in just about every aspect of tech news.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
This news is related to the equipment we run in our pcs/phones/tablets/desktops/consoles.

TSMC sounds like its having major tooling problems and the result is theyll lose money to Samsung/Glofo if they dont get the tooling fixed.
Posted on Reply
RCoonBut this is technology news. Some of us like to know which of these technology companies who's hardware we buy is going down the crapper, and whether they're screwing us so hard they're making phat stacks of cash. Sadly, you do not represent the population of TPU.

Eye of the beholder and all that.
Well said, mate. Couldn't do it better myself.

On topic, good move by Qualcomm. I personally think NVIDIA should go with Samsung too. TSMC was the only reason why NVIDIA had to (re)use the 28nm chip for Maxwell. It sucks when you have a great plan on hand and can't do anything about it because some people you rely on to help you with your plan are incompetent and slow. If it wasn't because of Samsung's 14nm process TSMC wouldn't accelerate their 20nm and 16nm process. I don't know, I think relying on them might give NVIDIA another delay. Who knows, they might improve, but they might also face more issues in the future. If I were JHH I wouldn't take that risk.
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, unfortunately for you, many others don't share it.
Posted on Reply
Hilux SSRG
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
I don't think you realize that quarterly and annual company reports can reveal insights to future products and/or market strategies. I personally like to dig into this information to learn more. Advocating for less information is never good.

I really think TMSC is going to feel pain for their press release shenanigans, e.g. "28nm ready to go" and six months later "28nm delayed 12mos." They need to curb overpromising.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
64Kfrom my perspective it's good to have access to background info to make decisions on what to buy and when to plan upgrades.
When you buy a new vacuum cleaner or a washing machine, or a refrigerator, do you have access to annual reports about companies like Gorenje, Whirlpool, Ariston, Indesit, Rowenta, etc or you just decide that you want and need something new, research directly the characteristics of each device and just buy it?

That said, I really believe that you don't need financial information about profit margins and market share in order to drive you what to buy.

It's silly. :)
Posted on Reply
Sometimes it's not about the answer to what I want. Google is my friend. I can find the answers almost all of the time for myself. It's about knowing what the right questions are to ask.

Possibly look at the News Section as a sort of Tech Buffet. Take what helps you and leave the rest.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
Sony Xperia SWhen you buy a new vacuum cleaner or a washing machine, or a refrigerator, do you have access to annual reports about companies like Gorenje, Whirlpool, Ariston, Indesit, Rowenta, etc or you just decide that you want and need something new, research directly the characteristics of each device and just buy it?

That said, I really believe that you don't need financial information about profit margins and market share in order to drive you what to buy.

It's silly. :)
Um, this is not silly. Who makes the chips for the largest GPU company? This fab business and their financial outlook will directly affect future offering....but not just in GPU's. accross the spectrum. If you heard Maxwell was delayed, do you know why?

Did you know that TSMC had problems going to 20nm silicon, and so now we are just getting a more efficient 28Nm, and will have to wait for the huge increases in performance expected until the 9 series. These things affect financials, and finanials affect market share and production. A tech site should never be about only putting part A into part B, and how fast the resultant part C will be.

So, while you are free to have your opinion, and I applaud it, I think you are misguided, because the majority of us want the big picture, as it gives us insight into the future of our Tech and PC love. People arent passionate about vaccum cleaners and washing machines. Electronics, especially everything related to the PC world and its associated offshoots evokes passion! :D
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
The numbers at fab plants foreshadow whats to be expected in 2015 as of production and price of parts we may or may not get in 2015.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
This news is more targeted at investors rather than normal consumers.

Those big companies don't talk about future products or even if they do, it is not entirely clear whether it's true and whether something unexpected could happen meanwhile to ruin all plans anyways.
Posted on Reply
Hilux SSRG
Sony Xperia SThis news is more targeted at investors rather than normal consumers.

Those big companies don't talk about future products or even if they do, it is not entirely clear whether it's true and whether something unexpected could happen meanwhile to ruin all plans anyways.
If you don't find value in the post, skip over it as others have said. Don't assume tech posters are not tech investors. Advocating for less information is never good.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
I agree move along if you dont like this topic or site dont post if it offends you.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
Man go trol somewhere else, this is totally related with technology and i am very interested on this by the way.
Posted on Reply
How come no more Japanese manufacturers are on top? hmm...
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia SGuys, this website should stay with technology news ONLY.

Why do you think that we care about all financial crap?

We would be perfectly fine without any quarter financial reports and market share news.
It's irrelevant to tech products anyways.

I am angry on you.
My comment is irrelevant.

Sony Xperia S sucks ball.
Posted on Reply
RCoonBut this is technology news. Some of us like to know which of these technology companies who's hardware we buy is going down the crapper, and whether they're screwing us so hard they're making phat stacks of cash. Sadly, you do not represent the population of TPU.

Eye of the beholder and all that.
Good man. Well said, amigo. I appreciate you keeping this place on-point, friendly, and not letting the conversation devolve. :toast:

I would also argue things like this are insightful beyond math deductions. While perhaps you can not out and out draw conclusions on things like performance, ramp, time-to-market, starting prices, price curves, total wafers able to be produced, or how the competition is fairing comparatively by what happens in statements, earning calls, or the grey information often reported by digitimes etc., you can surely infer it while getting a feel for what to expect; when or why (or later to explain why something happened that may not currently be public knowledge.) It most certainly is pertinent in that regard the same way a rumor about a new chip is, if not more-so, if you read articles like this with that mindset.
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
KyuubaMan go trol somewhere else
kid41212003sucks ball
and it's inevitable, the evil haterz always begin with this.

I will go wherever I want and the only person who can tell me about this .... is me.

It's so sad to live in a world with the evil too, but don't you worry, we have the fight with you and will destroy you in the end. Always good wins. :)
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia Sand it's inevitable, the evil haterz always begin with this.

I will go wherever I want and the only person who can tell me about this .... is me.

It's so sad to live in a world with the evil too, but don't you worry, we have the fight with you and will destroy you in the end. Always good wins. :)
You are trolling. As everyone else has said if you don't like the then don't read it and move along. Some of us who have been members for years and years come to TPU because they post news like this.

Pretty sure threatening to destroy people who are calling you out on trolling or disagreeing with you shows your true colours. The world doesn't revolve around you.

On topic this is good news - TSMCs dominance has held 20nm GPUs back so I'm glad we're seeing some competition at 16nm.
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
Sony Xperia Sand it's inevitable, the evil haterz always begin with this.

I will go wherever I want and the only person who can tell me about this .... is me.

It's so sad to live in a world with the evil too, but don't you worry, we have the fight with you and will destroy you in the end. Always good wins. :)
Actually I too can decide where you go whilst you are in here and if you continue to troll crap in this thread I will exercise those privileges, you are most welcome to air your opinion and you have, please do not continue de-railing this thread....... move on.
Posted on Reply
It's about damn time for TSMC to man up to its problems. I've been saying this for years, NVIDIA should've gone with other fabs to produce their GPU's, seeing as TSMC just can't fix their problems on their own. Samsung is looking like a great candidate, as they've been leapfrogging almost everyone (except Intel of course) in process nodes and the apparent ease that they are accomplishing it every time.

TSMC always has lots of teething problems with their new processes unfortunately, which severely affect the new GPU's production and consequently pricing as well. I guess most companies have finally gotten tired of this and the perpetually-delayed 20nm process may have been the last drop in the bucket.

I know it's not easy to switch to new foundries due to the new libraries and such from the foundry that need to be adjusted to the GPU (or whatever processing unit is being made), but most likely in the long term this will result in huge progress on the GPU front. These are exciting times! :rockout:
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