Wednesday, March 31st 2010

I will be leaving TPU!

After all the drama in the comments section of our Fermi review, I realized that continuing with hardware reviews and this tech "scene" might not be what I want to do with my time in the future.

So I looked for options out of this mess, and found one, TPU will be operated by a different company in the near future, I will be leaving the site. But fear not, most of the staff will remain here, the site and forums will stay the same in the near future (months). However, I have no idea what's going to change in the long run but I'm sure it will be for the best.

Further info and a more detailed schedule will follow when I have a better idea what will happen with my software projects and other internals of the site.

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869 Comments on I will be leaving TPU!

what ever this is......
i tried to read it all and it took 2hrs+ and know i don't know what to say......

If it's a fool i might do a small journey somewhere to throw some "ostereier" ^^

honestly i always read before i post, wizz best wishes whatever you decide, but don't let the fanboys/trash win over your love for hardware.
I know that it might be hard sometimes but keep it up and stay, this site was always important for many people.
Posted on Reply
DarkOCeanI don't see why tpu will close anytime soon.
maybe not anytime soon but it could in the near future, the regulars are not as regular as it is so without wizz tpu could possible go up the crapper meaning the regulars leave, the not so regulars leave and it could be a downward spiral leading to closure.
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I may check Techpowerup on a daily basis, but I do not post comments very often. But, out of the respect W1zzard has earned from me I have to post a comment. :respect::respect::respect:

I trust W1zzard's video card reviews more than ANY other in the internet. He tests every card with the same steps, and those repetitive steps make it easy to compare current reviews with his old ones. His reviews are very in depth, and I am sure that takes a lot of his time. For me, his reviews are heads and shoulders above all others. Anybody that complains about his reviews should be absolutely ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Not only are his reviews awesome, so is his software. Without W1zz, Techpowerup may very well be doomed.

Wizz, I hope you continue writing reviews and posting them on the internet. If you leave TPU, please let us know where you end up going. I could care less which website you choose to post your reviews... as long as you keep posting them. If you plan on no longer writing reviews, then I still have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you have put into your reviews. Thanks and best wishes to you!!!
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Originally Posted by brandonwh64 View Post
EVERYBODY!! put it in your sig!
we could have done a petition like: " raise money for Wizz next Worldtour, visiting all his community members" :)

i am sure we will reach the 500 easy:D
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~Technological Technocrat~
after being here for so many years - Id hate for the site to be shutdown or for the site to fall into such shambles that trying to get a decent coversation/friendly argument gets constantly invaded by trolls...

If the site ever fell into that position, as much as i dislike the Idea of leaving - i will head elsewhere for my daily hardware news & gossip.

after spending so many years here & getting to know all the staff & members. TPU will be something I will greatly miss.

I dred the fact that the site passing hands could mean the end of TPU literally in the sense that it turns into a shell of its formerself with the new owner have little to no interest in how much time & effort that W1zzard has put in to have such a huge gathering of people contributing to the forums everyday.

If W1zzard no longer seeks to write reviews then site traffic might dip a little unless a new reviewer steps in
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Thank-you W1zzard for your great software and unbiased reviews. Your efforts have helped so many, myself included.Keep up the quality work.
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Very sad news.

But if you have to go W1zz, so be it. However, could you perhaps make it a condition of sale that some of the current staff become directors/managers of the site. This might ensure that the site remains in the state it is.

All the best.
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petition signed :cry: ... please dont go .... :(
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Black Panther
KantasticGood luck with everything Dumbledore!
3 more hours till GMT+1 strikes midnight, then I'll start believing in Voldemort myself
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W1zzard --> if this happens to not be an April Fools joke my best wishes to you as you move on from TPU. every visitor to TPU and every user of your applications past and present owes a debt of gratitude to you. you'll be missed in the tech "scene".

- Robert (pMr)dEATHiNjUNE
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BingePart of why I came to TPU was because of W1zzard's reviews. Some people may find that hard to believe, idiots, but he does a seriously thorough job. With as much whining as I saw and personal attacks it seems like there's a bunch of trolls who are hell-bent on being right no matter what the cost. So a special thanks to you sacks! Your efforts weren't for naught! (you know who you are)
I for one don't like his reviews. I think they've become over abundant of the same regurgitated material, and very lacking at being in depth per-product that he's analyzing.

Having said that, it doesn't make me stop viewing and studying them, nor does it make me want to disown Tech Power Up.

But more importantly, people should be able to voice a respectable opinion on the matter without fear of uncessary repercussions. Now you might say 'Sure, but we're talking about the a-holes who just want to pick a fight.' Unfortunately there's probably a good amount of people in here, who don't think that. In fact they don't think at all. They see anything NON positive about TPU or Wizzard, and immediately fly off the handle, retaliating pretty much in the same manner and with the same vehemency as the 'troll's who may actually be doing real damage.

All in all, TPU has turned too personal over the years, eroding it's fundamentals and testing the limits of it's sanity. But that's how anything popular goes, trying to pin-point some scenario or moment when it happens is pretty impossible and mostly futile.

I've for a while now thought Wizzard should step down, and use his skills elsewhere - preferably somewhere where it will be more lucrative, if not at least satisfying.

I feel the exact same way about Kursah and TweakGuides. I fully understand why he did what he did, and he's moved onto better things.

But this attitude of Wizzard does it for free, noone is force to read his reviews is very shallow and short-sighted. Equally, Wizzard doesn't have to do it, noone is forcing him too.

If you enjoy it, good. But you're no more relevant to the matter, or more privileged than those who don't enjoy some aspects of it. It has to be a two way street, that's just life.

Looking back at the evolution of TPU, I get a weird parallel deja-vu with Tweak Guides. There was a time when the general fundamentals were accepted by nearly all that visited. And then over time that was worn down and we've wound up here.

We've put too much stock in one man, leaning heavily on him, applying unncessary pressure. That's what happens when things get personal. If Wizzard moves on, hopefully that won't transfer to the other staff, or else we'll just spiral downwards even more.

And here's some of examples of the lunacy:

-The site will suddenly shutdown, implode or at the very least, fall to complete pieces.
-People will have no 'good' reason to visit TPU.
-There's a petition in place. Funny life if there's a problem, just sue. On the internet, just make a petition!

The list could go on, but it's like everyone has lost perspective. And what do these attitudes do for the rest of the staff? You put one person on such a pedestal, how can they begin to try and fill the shoes? Where's the support for the rest of TPU? What are you saying about their ability to keep TPU an enjoyable place?
From the way I see it, not a lot of anything positive.

If Wizzard feels he should go, then respect his decision(s), and let him move on with your support, instead of dragging him back down.
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I have been around for a while.
I may not post as much anymore, but I do daily look at TPU at all of the news, reviews, etc.
I have easily learned most of my Hardware skills here.
Wiz thanks for all of your help and knowledge over the years.
I greatly appreciate all of your help and knowledge, as well as, setting up a great community who have always been extremely helpful.

It always nice to see people willing to help out others, esp. these days since it is very rare and hard to find.

Wiz I hope u r able to keep in touch with at least a few people from here and wish you the best.

Oh and remember to always rock on :rockout:
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This is an unfortunate consequence of free speech. A bunch of people nitpick over the use of an older, stable driver because they can, and go and push one of the best reviewers and community members away from those of us that appreciate his efforts. Way to go.

Good luck with your future W1zzard, hopefully you will find a more grateful crowd wherever you end up :)
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Senior Moderator
newconroerI for one don't like his reviews. I think they've become over abundant of the same regurgitated material, and very lacking at being in depth per-product that he's analyzing.
I'm not sure how you can say a 36 page review of a consumer product lacks depth. Of course he has to write about a lot of the same things you've read before; a single graphics card is a limited topic. It only makes sense. You can't expect every part of the review to contain ground-breaking exclusive information when you're writing about computer components. Yet he does manage to do that from time to time. Remember when he discovered that model of AMD card (I can't remember which) that had more shaders disabled than it was supposed to? That's about as exciting as it can get in the world of hardware reviews.
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Overclocked quantum bit
Polaris573I'm not sure how you can say a 36 page review of a consumer product lacks depth. Of course he has to write about a lot of the same things you've read before; a single graphics card is a limited topic. It only makes sense. You can't expect every part of the review to contain ground-breaking exclusive information when you're writing about computer components. Yet he does manage to do that from time to time. Remember when he discovered that model of AMD card (I can't remember which) that had more shaders disabled than it was supposed to? That's about as exciting as it can get in the world of hardware reviews.
That was the 4830. The article is still showing on the home page. :)

Oh and +1.
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Don't forget about the X800GTO2s flashing to X850XTPEs either!
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dr emulator (madmax)
W1zzardplease dont turn this into just another drama thread

I'm not sure yet what will happen with my projects. i might turn them into open source, or work on them in my free time...

ati didn't send me an offer, but maybe i'll end up doing some coding for them, i hear there are huge improvements to be made in drivers .. especially going from 9.12 to 10.3

it was not just the fermi review that caused this .. i have noticed the recent trend: drama, more drama and then drama llamas.. that kinda spoils the fun in it.
i've been doing this tech website stuff for so long now .. it kinda gets boring .. hey i remember when i was excited to see 50 registered users on the forums .. then it was 50 registrations a day .. then 50 users online at a time .. 500 .. 1000 .. now we're often at 6000 online and there is no more "kick" in it for me.
same with hardware ... hell was i excited when i went to my first cebit .. now i really hate going to tradeshows .. same old POS every time .. meeting people is great though .. maybe i'm just getting too old .. i dont know.
well our german cousin, i hope that you've made a shed load of money and get to enjoy it and that someone with a big cheque book comes and makes you smile when you sell the place,
and if you don't (which many hope, (including me)hope you don't) you'll give some a 2 month holiday, to make some understand they have the right to an opinion, just not a free for all
and if necessary no links from the news to the forums, that way they can't bellittle you hard work
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Just joined to post this reply (after lurking appreciatively for many years):

First: I read TPU everyday. It shows second on my Google (Topeka?) Chrome list of favs.
Second: I wouldn't buy a new graphics card without reading reviews from Wizzard. His reviews are teh best.
Third: Wizzard clearly deserves and has earned a break from all of this, and I wish him success in whatever he does. It would be very cool if he stopped by from time to time to see how we're doing.
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i love the fact that theres allot of people who have been watching tpu for a while but have only just joined just to say farewell to wizzard, i think that shows just how popular tpu is, just how good a job wizzard and every else involved has done in making tpu what it is.
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Don't hate me for saying this, but I won't sign it.

W1zzard says he has had enough and wants to step down. We should respect his decision. Let him go. Release him.
I am sure that he didn't rashly make such a big decision like this just because he woke up on a wrong side of a bed.
I am also sure that he has through about it many times before coming to his final decision. Though it might be true that the 480 GTX review might have pushed him into this sorrow decision, I'd say that it was only a tip of iceberg compared to what has been building up in his mind.

I bid him fare well and wish him good luck, and that's all I feel that I should do.

So, W1zzard, good luck, dude. Taking a break from the Internet is perhaps what we all should do.
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Gone Fishing
HolyCow02This is an unfortunate consequence of free speech. A bunch of people nitpick over the use of an older, stable driver because they can, and go and push one of the best reviewers and community members away from those of us that appreciate his efforts. Way to go.

Good luck with your future W1zzard, hopefully you will find a more grateful crowd wherever you end up :)
I don't think it's a consequence of free speech so much as attitude, I have seen him go back countless times and re-analyse info, redo benches etc.... everyone here is encouraged to make constructive criticism and thats just the point, sometimes it isn't constructive, it is delivered with bad attitude and downright insults, a few friendly and polite words can go a long way and frankly to be honest, some people just need to learn some social skills..... most of these people however by coincidence, contribute little to this community, if the Olympics had a event called moaning a few here would be candidates for the Gold medal.

Just my opinion of course.
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Senior Moderator
alucasaDon't hate me for saying this, but I won't sign it.

W1zzard says he has had enough and wants to step down. We should respect his decision. Let him go. Release him.
I am sure that he didn't rashly make such a big decision like this just because he woke up on a wrong side of a bed.
I am also sure that he has through about it many times before coming to his final decision. Though it might be true that the 480 GTX review might have pushed him into this sorrow decision, I'd say that it was only a tip of iceberg compared to what has been building up in his mind.

I bid him fare well and wish him good luck, and that's all I feel that I should do.

So, W1zzard, good luck, dude. Taking a break from the Internet is perhaps what we all should do.
Yeah guys like he said a petition isn't going to do anything here. A better use of your time would definitely be a "Thanks for everything" e-card.
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