Monday, December 12th 2011

Adblock Plus To Let ''Acceptable Ads'' Pass, By Default

Adblock claimed its spot under the Sun when it started out as a browser extension that blocked all advertisement frames and popup scripts by default. Apparently, the people behind it feel there is something they call "acceptable ads", and that they should be allowed to pass on to users by default, and will make sure the next version (2.0) of the software will do just that. Ironic? Adblock, thanks to its catchy, self-explanatory name, built a sizable user-base, as typical PC users assume it's a fire-and-forget solution to internet advertisements. This new move to exempt "acceptable ads" might not compute with many.

So what makes up an "acceptable ad"? According to the people behind Adblock, it's that which lacks any form of animation or sound, and that which loads up no more than one script. One could imagine's best deals ads and Google's text-only ads fitting the description more or less, but it throws open a new set of debates: Whether selective filtering only goes on to benefit well-established agencies such as Google as Google's trademarks in the ad frame are an instant credibility boost for those text-ads; and more importantly, why should Adblock's define what should be "acceptable" and why should they be allowed by default to begin with. Pick your topic and fire away.
Sources: The Verge, ExtremeTech
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39 Comments on Adblock Plus To Let ''Acceptable Ads'' Pass, By Default

not-so supermod
So this is like a condom that allows beneficial venereal diseases?
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
sneekypeetSo this is like a condom that allows beneficial venereal diseases?
I wish they let me post that. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
sneekypeetSo this is like a condom that allows beneficial venereal diseases?
OMG what a comparison! :laugh:

Yeah, this is fishy all right. Makes you wonder who they've got into bed with, doesn't it? Is there an option to make it work like the previous version - I bet there isn't.

Adblock & Flashblock are the number one reason I use Firefox and they're about to erode that reason.
Posted on Reply
As long as I am able to manually block these "acceptable ads", I would use the new version.
Posted on Reply
Well there are some pop-ups you don't want to be blocked... I get annoyed by clicking the "Allow popups from ----" button
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
I'm torn on this. On one hand, a product that blocks ads letting certain ads through is kind of counter intuitive. On the other hand, the ads they plan to let through, I have no problem with, and them doing this might actually push the ads in a better less annoying direction as a whole. Ad makers might actually make more acceptable ads, and I'm for that.
qubitIs there an option to make it work like the previous version - I bet there isn't.
Yes, there will be an option to make it work like the previous version.
Posted on Reply
It's free, so if you don't like it then don't use it. There is no reason to complain or judge their decisions.
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
sneekypeetSo this is like a condom that allows beneficial venereal diseases?
government subsidized (Free) condoms are thicker than ones you pay for... Make no since to me
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
v12dockgovernment subsidized (Free) condoms are thicker than ones you pay for... Make no since to me
That is because the government doesn't want you to enjoy anything...
Posted on Reply
Block Caption of Rainey Street
newtekie1That is because the government doesn't want you to enjoy anything...
Sex feels no good = lower sexual intercourse rate = lower birthrate = lower number children that are supported by the government = win for the tax payers?
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
newtekie1I'm torn on this. On one hand, a product that blocks ads letting certain ads through is kind of counter intuitive. On the other hand, the ads they plan to let through, I have no problem with, and them doing this might actually push the ads in a better less annoying direction as a whole. Ad makers might actually make more acceptable ads, and I'm for that.

Yes, there will be an option to make it work like the previous version.
That's a good point - it might just help to push advertisers towards stationary ads (well, here's hoping, anyway). It's the bloody animations I can't stand, much more than the ads themselves. In fact, on tech sites, I like seeing ads for mobos, processors, graphics cards etc. It's just the movement that bothers me - and that includes a "stationary" ad that's colour cycling or flashing. It's got to be completely still. Period.
Posted on Reply
v12dockSex feels no good = lower sexual intercourse rate = lower birthrate = lower number children that are supported by the government = win for the tax payers?
nope.... = less people who pay taxes and support the economy :(
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
v12dockSex feels no good = lower sexual intercourse rate = lower birthrate = lower number children that are supported by the government = win for the tax payers?
No, they're just assholes that don't like when anyone enjoys anything.:laugh:
qubitThat's a good point - it might just help to push advertisers towards stationary ads (well, here's hoping, anyway). It's the bloody animations I can't stand, much more than the ads themselves. In fact, on tech sites, I like seeing ads for mobos, processors, graphics cards etc. It's just the movement that bothers me - and that includes a "stationary" ad that's colour cycling or flashing. It's got to be completely still. Period.
That is actually why I think this is a good thing. If more ad makers see that the biggest ad-blocking software in the world is now allowing ads that don't annoy the crap out of people through, then the ad makers are going to start making more ads that don't annoy the crap out of people to make sure they are seen. And chances are, since the ads that are being let through are totally stationary, people who hate ads probably won't even notice them.
Posted on Reply
I'm completely fine with this, I don't use adblock/noscript as it is because they block out too many things, but a simple version that blocks the most obnoxious ads would be great.
Its more of a hassle un-blocking non-ads than it is to just ignore the ads as they are now.
Posted on Reply
qubitThat's a good point - it might just help to push advertisers towards stationary ads (well, here's hoping, anyway). It's the bloody animations I can't stand, much more than the ads themselves. In fact, on tech sites, I like seeing ads for mobos, processors, graphics cards etc. It's just the movement that bothers me - and that includes a "stationary" ad that's colour cycling or flashing. It's got to be completely still. Period.
Ones with noise piss me off the most, it's intrusive and quit frankly they should be banned ( unless it's embedded in a you tube video, whilst annoying that's tolerable)

There used to be one that was a mosquito noise and the add literally said " click to make it stop"

What kind of arse hole makes something like that?
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
pantherx12Ones with noise piss me off the most, it's intrusive and quit frankly they should be banned ( unless it's embedded in a you tube video, whilst annoying that's tolerable)

Their uses to be one that was a mosquito noise and the add literally said " click to make it stop"

What kind of arse hole makes something like that?
I hate those, especially when I'm browsing something like Fark and open a few of the news links in the background rapidly to read later, and one starts playing something, and I have to search through the tabs I have open to find out which one it is...
Posted on Reply
Nice bunch of users we have here. A lot of websites run on advertising only and you wont even allow them to have user-friendly advertising? This is why we have annoying adverts.
Posted on Reply
EsseNice bunch of users we have here. A lot of websites run on advertising only and you wont even allow them to have user-friendly advertising? This is why we have annoying adverts.
I don't click any of the links anyway so they won't be getting any pennies.

And if they're a website that gets paid based on how much traffic they get then they still get paid.

S'all good.
Posted on Reply
If Adblock Plus does this, someone will release another ad blocker plugin that behaves like the current version does, everyone will start using that one, and the current ABP will die.

@Esse, some of us live in countries with subpar internet. Disabling ads (especially the Flash and animated GIFs) conserves bandwidth and allows pages to load at a decent rate.
Posted on Reply
+1 Assimilator.

As long as I can manually block all things I want to block and bypass their chicken wire submarine or fishnet stocking war ship then I am happy. Either way adblock is just one of many always on with modified settings to make spam net "internet" user friendly for me.

Adblock + betterprivacy, old firefox not new trojan fox 4~20, beeftaco, script block, peerguardian .... software firewall, all things microsoft blocked ....
If it is not hosted on the website I am connecting too then it is blocked, google analytic's, google anything, facebook, twitter ...... adthis and all the other spam, private browsing, ccleaner, bleachbit, clean-log.bat to name a few.

This is the only way to have normal "trojan horse free" decent internet and only allow what is really needed when it is needed.

PS, why is yahooapis on this page ?
Now it is blocked as well.

?? ?? will let this pass.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
pantherx12Ones with noise piss me off the most, it's intrusive and quit frankly they should be banned ( unless it's embedded in a you tube video, whilst annoying that's tolerable)

There used to be one that was a mosquito noise and the add literally said " click to make it stop"

What kind of arse hole makes something like that?
I've not had the pleasure of that one :nutkick: but I've seen the ones that jitter around violently and are impossible to stop staring at intently. Evolution has made us all gravitate towards movement and this is a gross abuse of that evolution. Thankfully, one tends to find them on iffy porn sites that I don't look at much anyway and are normally blocked.
newtekie1I hate those, especially when I'm browsing something like Fark and open a few of the news links in the background rapidly to read later, and one starts playing something, and I have to search through the tabs I have open to find out which one it is...
To both of you, this is the kind of thing that would make me go like this: :banghead:
Posted on Reply
qubitThankfully, one tends to find them on iffy porn sites that I don't look at much anyway and are normally blocked.
Ha ha ha livejasmin advertisements are the worst ones from those sorts of website.
Posted on Reply
I could live with this.

After all the reason people bother to block ads is because they're intrusive, noisy, flashy etc.

If advertisers hadn't turned into utter cunts with it then we wouldn't be blocking ads. Perhaps this will allow ads back into things again, as long as they play nice.
Posted on Reply
Assimilator@Esse, some of us live in countries with subpar internet. Disabling ads (especially the Flash and animated GIFs) conserves bandwidth and allows pages to load at a decent rate.
We're talking about user friendly adverts like Google Adsese text ads and Amazon best-deals which are only as intrusive as the webmaster who puts them in the way of content. They're blocked by default with Adblock yet have to be the most user friendly of all adverts.

Maybe you guys didn't know it but TPUs adverts are blocked by Adblock and are in no way intrusive of TPU's content.

Sub-par or not the reason the internet is free is because of advertising, unless someone is actually paying out of their own wallet or runs a subscription service then running servers isn't free. Flashy, annoying adverts can go to hell, that's why we have Adblock but at the moment even the user-friendly adverts are being blocked.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
EsseMaybe you guys didn't know it but TPUs adverts are blocked by Adblock and are in no way intrusive of TPU's content.
They're animated. That's intrusive to me.
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