Wednesday, January 25th 2012
Apple Makes More Money Per Employee Than Exxon
In a report on MSN, Apple earned over $400,000 in profit per employee, more than Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobil or Google last year. As most of its plants are located over seas this shouldn't be a surprise. However what was a surprise is the apparent brashness of a Apple executives response when asked if they could bring some of that manufacturing back to the United States where Apple originated from. He was quoted as saying, "We sell iPhones in over a hundred countries," The Apple executive said. "We don't have an obligation to solve America's problems. Our only obligation is making the best product possible."
The report also detailed an alleged conversation between Steve Jobs and President Barack Obama during a benefit dinner. All of the Silicon Valley's top luminaries asked a question of the U.S. President. When it was Steve Jobs turn President Obama interrupted Mr. Jobs and asked, "What would it take to make iPhones in the United States?" and Mr. Jobs replied bluntly, "Those jobs aren't coming back." Now without knowing the entire context of the conversation it would be easy to vilify Mr. Jobs or even the Apple corporation. However what can be said with absolute certainty is Apple computers at one time were in fact made in America and now no longer are. Be it cheap labor or factories with more flexibility, Mr. Jobs helped create a company with a $400,000 dollar profit margin per employee and those jobs are not coming back to the U.S. any time soon.
The report also detailed an alleged conversation between Steve Jobs and President Barack Obama during a benefit dinner. All of the Silicon Valley's top luminaries asked a question of the U.S. President. When it was Steve Jobs turn President Obama interrupted Mr. Jobs and asked, "What would it take to make iPhones in the United States?" and Mr. Jobs replied bluntly, "Those jobs aren't coming back." Now without knowing the entire context of the conversation it would be easy to vilify Mr. Jobs or even the Apple corporation. However what can be said with absolute certainty is Apple computers at one time were in fact made in America and now no longer are. Be it cheap labor or factories with more flexibility, Mr. Jobs helped create a company with a $400,000 dollar profit margin per employee and those jobs are not coming back to the U.S. any time soon.
47 Comments on Apple Makes More Money Per Employee Than Exxon
It is the same problem happening in California. We lost tons of businesses years ago to Arizona when Davis did his tax crusade against them. Now we can't get them back and I don't blame them. This is why I side with Amazon in keeping it tax free here. California politicians bankrupted the state and their own solution is to continue doing what got them in the mess.
People need to learn the hard way what happens when you vote the wrong people into office. Just like they need to learn the hard way what happens when all your products come from slave labor.
I didn't buy my iPhone 4 because of the Apple logo; in fact, that was a gravitas point against.
When other companies manage to make products that are as pretty and yes, as functional, whether through jailbreaking or not, they will also make such profits.
I honestly don't know why all other companies can't make something as pretty as an Apple product.
Read this.
look at where the business GOES. these are sweat shops, with horrible factory conditions and horrible treatment of workers.
the real problem is apple like others doesn't want to pay a living wage, so they export their manufacturing and reap the profits. they are in no way right, they are another greedy corporation.
we are consumerist sheep, we couldn't imagine not having the newest shiny toy or the cheapest plastic nic-nac so the fact that some kid died due to poor factory conditions means nothing.
things are the way they are because we the people accept it. plain and simple. so those of us that don't accept it are left arguing whichever extreme we think is the better.