Thursday, October 17th 2013

XFX Radeon R9 290X Pictured
Here's the first picture of XFX' Radeon R9 290X graphics card, leaked to the web by Danish retailer ProShop. The card sticks to AMD reference design, and we're hearing that it will be a while after its launch, that we'll begin to see non-reference design R9 290X graphics cards. In the mean time, AMD's add-in board partners are spicing up their R9 290X packages with goodies, and factory overclocks that the reference design cooler can handle. This card, for example, includes an Origin key to Battlefield 4 (standard edition). ProShop is pricing the card at the equivalent of $1,550, although we're inclined to believe it's just a placeholder price. Radeon R9 290X should be available from October 24.
24 Comments on XFX Radeon R9 290X Pictured
The promissed price of 699 is just that promises, that wont stick...
Todays price for the 7990 = 6486 Dkk (1212 us$ / 882 euro€)
780 = 5752 Dkk (1075 us$/782 euro€)
Not to mention MOMS, supply & demand.
for 606 usd (3242 Dkk) the best we can get is:
770 phantom
or 7950
Hell even the 580 is up there :)
But i agree, supply and demand is not really there, and heavely taxation is the propable cause.. .
Supply is non existent, and demand is headed ti resellers outside Denmark for the better prices..(chicken and the egg syndrome)
Anyway those are some WICKED prices you have in denmark urslen. The GTX 780 can be had for about €550 here, the 7990 €680. And if you live in Denmark I have closer to Murmansk than you, "north" is not an absolute term. :D
Ive used pro shop quite allot, but my favorite german it pusher is das
They rock..
R9 280x 249€
Nearly cried when I got the import tax bill...
There I was thinking I had made a great deal, then I got faceraped by the import tax of 30-33%.
AMD how think
1550 $
very drol price
any body her shop this card 1500 $
GTX TITAN and GTX 780 cheaper
and More powerfull than AMD GPUS
However, I see you also posted an almost fanboi type message in the nvidia 780Ti thread ... do post a bit less trollishly in the future.
Then again, I only buy from EU Amazon and e-bay...
Since then I also hardly ever take the 'risk' to buy something from outside the EU.