Tuesday, March 13th 2018

13 Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in AMD Zen Architecture, Including Backdoors

Security researchers with Israel-based CTS-Labs, have discovered a thirteen security vulnerabilities for systems based on AMD Zen processors. The thirteen new exploits are broadly classified into four groups based on the similarity in function of the processor that they exploit: "Ryzenfall," "Masterkey," "Fallout," and "Chimera."

The researchers "believe that networks that contain AMD computers are at a considerable risk," and that malware can "survive computer reboots and re-installations of the operating system, while remaining virtually undetectable by most endpoint security solutions," such as antivirus software. They also mention that in their opinion, "the basic nature of some of these vulnerabilities amounts to complete disregard of fundamental security principles. This raises concerning questions regarding security practices, auditing, and quality controls at AMD."
Since this story went up some follow ups were posted:1. "Masterkey": This is an exploit of the Secure Boot feature, which checks if nothing has been tampered with on your machine while it was powered down (i.e. changes in firmware, hardware, or the last software state before shutdown). The Masterkey vulnerability gets around this environment integrity check by using an infected system BIOS, which can be flashed even from within Windows (with administrative privileges). This does not mean that the user has to modify and flash the BIOS manually before becoming vulnerable, the malware can do that on the fly once it is running. Theoretically, Secure Boot should validate the integrity of the BIOS, but apparently this can be bypassed, exploiting bugs in the Secure Processor's metadata parsing. Once the BIOS signature is out of the way, you can put pretty much any ARM Cortex A5 compatible code into the modified BIOS, which will then execute inside the ARM-based Secure Processor - undetectable to any antivirus software running on the main CPU, because the antivirus software running on the CPU has no way to scan inside the Secure Processor.

2. "Ryzenfall" is a class of vulnerabilities targeting Secure Processor, which lets a well-designed malware stash its code into the Secure Processor of a running system, to get executed for the remainder of the system's up-time. Again, this attack requires administrative privileges on the host machine, but can be performed in real-time, on the running system, without modifying the firmware. Secure Processor uses system RAM, in addition to its own in-silicon memory on the processor's die. While this part of memory is fenced off from access by the CPU, bugs exist that can punch holes into that protection. Code running on the Secure Processor has complete access to the system; Microsoft Virtualization-based Security (VBS) can be bypassed and additional malware can be placed into system management storage, where it can't be detected by traditional antivirus software. Windows Defender Credentials Guard, a component that stores and authenticates passwords and other secure functions on the machine, can also be bypassed and the malware can spread over the network to other machines, or the firmware can be modified to exploit "Masterkey", which persists through reboots, undetectable.

3. "Fallout": This class of vulnerabilities affects only AMD EPYC servers. It requires admin privileges like the other exploits, and has similar effects. It enables an attacker to gain access to memory regions like Windows Isolated User Mode / Kernel Mode (VTL1) and Secure Management RAM of the CPU (which are not accessible, even with administrative privileges). Risks are the same as "Ryzenfall", the attack vector is just different.

4. "Chimera": This class of vulnerabilities is an exploitation of the motherboard chipset (e.g. X370 also known as Promontory). AMD outsourced design of their Ryzen chipsets to Taiwanese ASMedia, which is a subsidiary of ASUS. You might know the company from the third-party USB 3.0 and legacy PCI chips on many motherboards. The company has been fined for lax security practices in the past, and numerous issues were found in their earlier controller chips. For the AMD chipset, it looks like they just copy-pasted a lot of code and design, including vulnerabilities. The chipset runs its own code that tells it what to do, and here's the problem: Apparently a backdoor has been implemented that gives any attacker knowing the right passcode full access to the chipset, including arbitrary code execution inside the chipset. This code can now use the system's DMA (direct memory access) engine to read/write system memory, which allows malware injection into the OS. To exploit this attack vector, administrative privileges are required. Whether DMA can access the fenced off memory portions of the Secure Processor, to additionally attack the Secure Processor through this vulnerability, is not fully confirmed, however, the researchers verified it works on a small number of desktop boards. Your keyboard, mouse, network controllers, wired or wireless, are all connected to the chipset, which opens up various other attack mechanisms like keyloggers (that send off their logs by directly accessing the network controller without the CPU/OS ever knowing about these packets), or logging all interesting network traffic, even if its destination is another machine on the same Ethernet segment. As far as we know, the tiny 8-pin serial ROM chip is connected to the CPU on AMD Ryzen platform, not to the chipset or LPCIO controller, so infecting the firmware might not be possible with this approach. A second backdoor was found that is implemented in the physical chip design, so it can't be mitigated by a software update, and the researchers hint at the requirement for a recall.

AMD's Vega GPUs use an implementation of the Secure Processor, too, so it is very likely that Vega is affected in a similar way. An attacker could infect the GPU, and then use DMA to access the rest of the system through the attacks mentioned above.

The researchers have set up the website AMDFlaws.com to chronicle these findings, and to publish detailed whitepapers in the near future.

AMD provided us with the following statement: "We have just received a report from a company called CTS Labs claiming there are potential security vulnerabilities related to certain of our processors. We are actively investigating and analyzing its findings. This company was previously unknown to AMD and we find it unusual for a security firm to publish its research to the press without providing a reasonable amount of time for the company to investigate and address its findings. At AMD, security is a top priority and we are continually working to ensure the safety of our users as potential new risks arise."

Update March 14 7 AM CET: It seems a lot of readers misunderstand the BIOS flashing part. The requirement is not that the user has to manually flash a different BIOS first before becoming vulnerable. The malware itself will modify/flash the BIOS once it is running on the host system with administrative privileges. Also, the signed driver requirement does not require a driver from any specific vendor. The required driver (which is not for an actual hardware device and just provides low-level hardware access) can be easily created by any hacker. Signing the driver, so Windows accepts it, requires a digital signature which is available from various SSL vendors for a few hundred dollars after a fairly standard verification process (requires a company setup with bank account). Alternatively an already existing signed driver from various hardware utilities could be extracted and used for this purpose.
Source: Many Thanks to Earthdog for the tip
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482 Comments on 13 Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in AMD Zen Architecture, Including Backdoors

I. Didn't. Say. You. Said. Intel.

If you read more closely, you will note I asked to be notified when Intel is proven to be behind this (along with when AMD fixes things)... that is just one of the many points brought up in this thread by various people.

Good bye, thread and the constant rehash of known information... and glossing over of talking points by both sides. Man o man do threads like these really make me hate forums.
Posted on Reply
ikekeTinfoil hats and trolling, guys.
Irony, far out. Look in a mirror. I'm not leaving the conversation though. Instead, welcome to my ignored users list.
Posted on Reply

Only those who wrote certain amount of posts over certain threads have the right to express their thoughts? :/


And btw, which part of my thoughts on this specific topic would fall into trolling category?

In Internet slang, a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3]often for the troll's amusement
Repeating the same opinion over and over and over ad nauseam fits the description pretty well.
Of the 440-ish comments so far, 40 are yours saying nothing but "Intel made CTS Labs publish these and they're so meaningless we shouldn't even mention them". Ok, your opinion. We don't need 40 posts of that.

Like @lexluthermiester said, your saving grace is you're conducting yourself in a civilized manner so far. But don't be surprised if you find yourself reported one day if you keep polluting threads.
Posted on Reply
bugRepeating the same opinion over and over and over ad nauseam fits the description pretty well.
This includes you opinion
Posted on Reply
VeradunThis includes you opinion
It does. Am I up to 40 posts yet?
Posted on Reply
bug40 are yours saying nothing but "Intel made CTS Labs publish these and they're so meaningless we shouldn't even mention them".
Really? When facts fail - just make them up?

Some of you are all in on protecting the original OP of this thread, which makes me wonder..

“When my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do?”
- John Maynard Keynes

Posted on Reply
ikekeReally? When facts fail - just make them up?

Some of you are all in on protecting the original OP of this thread, which makes me wonder..

“When my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do?”
- John Maynard Keynes

Ok, be the constructive one and summarize for me what is it that you had to share with us over 40 posts?
Posted on Reply
ikekeReally? When facts fail - just make them up?

Some of you are all in on protecting the original OP of this thread, which makes me wonder..

“When my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do?”
- John Maynard Keynes

Based on that graph, you have been doing much of the orange, yellow and green. You've seemingly avoided the red and haven't touched the blue, violet and gray. Just based on observations.
Posted on Reply
CTSLabs has still been unable to demonstrate the quote "13 Critical Security Vulnerabilities and Manufacturer Backdoors discovered throughout AMD Ryzen & EPYC product lines" and quote "Any consumer or organization purchasing AMD Servers, Workstations, or Laptops are affected by these vulnerabilities" and quote "How long before a fix is available? - We don't know. CTS has been in touch with industry experts to try and answer this question. According to experts, firmware vulnerabilities such as MASTERKEY, RYZENFALL and FALLOUT take several months to fix. Hardware vulnerabilities such as CHIMERA cannot be fixed and require a workaround. Producing a workaround may be difficult and cause undesired side-effects." (amdflaws.com/)

They paid trailofbits for analysis which they've ignored aswell as ignoring suggestion to disclose them via CERT, industry experts disagree with their impact assessment. blog.trailofbits.com/2018/03/15/amd-flaws-technical-summary/

The information leaked to stock shortseller Viceroy who were the first to capitalize on this, unsuccessfully since they are a bunch of amateurs, as found in #426.

Based on all this CTSLabs is a bunch of amateurs paddling some vulnerabilities which they were hoping to make some dirty money out of, instead of reporting issues as per industry agreed procedures to resolve the problems.
lexluthermiesterBased on that graph, you have been doing much of the orange, yellow and green. You've seemingly avoided the red and haven't touched the blue, violet and gray. Just based on observations.
Come again? For every detail i've shared along with my opinion about this I've added links and reasoning. Can't do much more in a forum thread, unfortunately. Something that cant be said about you, though.
Posted on Reply
My point has consistently been that I don't see the threatening stipulations in the GPP. What links would you think I could post to reinforce that?
Also, we don't have a copy of the GPP, just the fragments Kyle published.
Posted on Reply

The "impossible to fix" fixes are being validated by partners.

Within approximately 30 days of being notified by CTS Labs, AMD released patches to our ecosystem partners mitigating all of the CTS identified vulnerabilities on our EPYC™ platform as well as patches mitigating Chimera across all AMD platforms. These patches are in final testing with our ecosystem partners in advance of being released publicly. We remain on track to begin releasing patches to our ecosystem partners for the other products identified in the report this month. We expect these patches to be released publicly as our ecosystem partners complete their validation work.
Posted on Reply
ikekeThe "impossible to fix" fixes are being validated by partners.
No one said they're impossible to fix. Quit trolling.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
"It appears the latest AGESA update encrypts portions of the PSP firmware, making it harder for security researchers to examine the code."

Or rather for everyone ? Funny, they infer that this is done to keep them away specifically.

CTS seems awfully interested in everything AMD does. If they discovered all these vulnerabilities as a result of someone contracting them , what is it that still piques their interest such that they still conduct research on their own for free , I wonder.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterNo one said they're impossible to fix. Quit trolling.
How long before a fix is available?
We don't know. CTS has been in touch with industry experts to try and answer this question. According to experts, firmware vulnerabilities such as MASTERKEY, RYZENFALL and FALLOUT take several months to fix. Hardware vulnerabilities such as CHIMERA cannot be fixed and require a workaround. Producing a workaround may be difficult and cause undesired side-effects.
Posted on Reply
@Vya Domus Who says they are still doing it for free? Perhaps they have an on-going contract or are still fulfilling the previous one, or even a new one?

AMD now have a chance to gauge this latest CTS response and possibly change how things work again/more with another patch/AGESA or issue a comment on it.
Posted on Reply
Prince Valiant
lexluthermiesterNo one said they're impossible to fix. Quit trolling.
The first post of the thread mentions a second Chimera exploit as "requiring a hardware fix and hinting at needing a recall".
bugDamn, TPU's secret plan to make AMD look bad has been uncovered bt astute minds :rolleyes:
I'm not going to don my tinfoil but I'd have thought we'd see a post about the new Intel vulnerabilities and the update from AMD. Coverage for the Ryzen exploits was over the top.
Posted on Reply
Prince ValiantI'm not going to don my tinfoil but I'd have thought we'd see a post about the new Intel vulnerabilities and the update from AMD. Coverage for the Ryzen exploits was over the top.
Depends on your definition for "over the top", it's not like there's a common standard of how much coverage a type of story should get. I just did a TPU search and found about a page of news articles about Spectre and Meltdown.

Incidentally, this very thread only got so long because AMD fans just couldn't underscore enough how the vulnerabilites reported here are without merit, because the ones disclosing them were jerks. Streisand effect at its best.
Posted on Reply
bugDepends on your definition for "over the top", it's not like there's a common standard of how much coverage a type of story should get. I just did a TPU search and found about a page of news articles about Spectre and Meltdown.

Incidentally, this very thread only got so long because AMD fans just couldn't underscore enough how the vulnerabilites reported here are without merit, because the ones disclosing them were jerks. Streisand effect at its best.
No most of the AMD fan base (& others) were angry because a no name security firm, with ties to a hedge fund, released highly professional (read dubious) videos on how the AMD chips were vulnerable with admin rights. While their site was all glitzy, they were very light on details & (almost) certainly had an agenda to drive the stock price down ~ given their minutiae exposé spread over a period of 2(?) weeks. Also they'd given no practical time to AMD in resolving this issue, unlike another major competitor which sat on that info (GPZ) for almost 3 quarters & yet botched updates for another full quarter!
Posted on Reply
R0H1TNo most of the AMD fan base (& others) were angry because a no name security firm, with ties to a hedge fund, released highly professional (read dubious) videos on how the AMD chips were vulnerable with admin rights. While their site was all glitzy, they were very light on details & (almost) certainly had an agenda to drive the stock price down ~ given their minutiae exposé spread over a period of 2(?) weeks. Also they'd given no practical time to AMD in resolving this issue, unlike another major competitor which sat on that info (GPZ) for almost 3 quarters & yet botched updates for another full quarter!
Yeah, thanks for posting all that again, I thought the thread was dying.
The one that reported could have been murderers and necrophiles, it wouldn't change that vulenrabilities (as hard to exploit as they were) were there.
But you just can't get enough of attacking the messenger, can you? That won't solve anything, it never did.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpTake THAT AMD. I dont wanna hear the fanbois anymore.
there is a lot of anti AMD propaganda on the internet its beyond suspicious. best you dig a little deeper and find out the truth yourself, a lot of the stuff you see online is regurgitated garbage that reviewers have somehow come to agree on.

basically viceroy research is full of you know what and cts labs doesn't exist:

Posted on Reply
TrustNo1there is a lot of anti AMD propaganda on the internet its beyond suspicious. best you dig a little deeper and find out the truth yourself, a lot of the stuff you see online is regurgitated garbage that reviewers have somehow come to agree on.

basically viceroy research is full of you know what and cts labs doesn't exist:

very interesting read that link, ... here's a quote from it

Unreachable PR Company

When we first saw the press release, we reached-out to the listed Bevel PR phone number and publicly listed contact, Jessica Schaefer, to learn more about the CTS Labs research company. We won’t show it on screen, but looking through personal social media pages, we were able to find that Bevel PR appears to have been founded in 2017, and that it is staffed primarily or entirely by one individual. The Bevel PR phone number went straight to a full inbox and we were unable to get into contact. We have also reached-out to Schaefer through other contact media. We’ve never heard of Bevel PR before, but their webpage indicates that they have some experience working with ICOs and hedge funds. This pointed us in the next direction.

How vast amounts of money can change a human from being a human is …. well, frankly disturbing
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