Wednesday, May 9th 2007

MSI HD 2900XT Poses Nude

The next R600 based HD 2900XT graphics card finally made it to the Internet. MSI's yet to be a launched top model posed nude and in all it's glory while being photographed by the talented folks from Please excuse that we can only post the harmless pictures at our frontpage.
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45 Comments on MSI HD 2900XT Poses Nude

mmmm... copper heatsink :)
Posted on Reply
Looks like ATI waited to see if the 8800 cooler worked and then copied.Looks very close to me.
Posted on Reply
FroggerI Think I'm in LOVE boy'o'boy next week .......:D :D
Did you fall in love with bad booty? I hope this isn't accurate. Is this another fud campaign?
Posted on Reply
Stock heatsink that doesn't cover the whole core and memory on both sides again, eeew. Other than that it looks nice and if you mess around with orginal thermalpaste, it will do. But why on earth they don't put the paste on an angle like the core?

Backside memory is more of an issues as it will be on different temp as the front side always. After market cooling will look ugly having heatsinks on bothsides and cooling will be hard. Sure it's fast enough now stock but year or two and it will be mainstream and need overclocking and I'd hate to have that memory conficuration.

But 256MB version should have no issues, gimme one :P
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleActually you will get a total of 225 watts
75 watts from the 6 pin PCIe
75 watts from the 6-pin PCIe
75 watts from the PCIe video slot
225 watts of power available. How much power is needed to run this card at standard clocks? I seriously doubt its 225 watts because there is no headroom.

Now how much power does this video card need? By using the new 8-pin PCI-e cable (along with the other 6-pin and video slot) will have 300 watts of power available just to OC the HD 2900xt. That's the problem I am seeing here. No, I don't believe it will take 300 watts of power to OC it. But you do need to have it available. That's 75 watts of head room.
75 watts from the 6-pin PCIe
75 watts from the 8-pin PCIe
150 watts from the video slot
300 watts of power available

Therefore, can you get away with using 2, 6-pin PCIe cables and get the MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE of standard clocks? We will have to wait until the reviews come out to verify this. However, until then, I would simply use what's required for the video card:
6-pin PCI-e
8-pin PCI-e
Even if you are running the card at standard clock, IMHO. I look at this no different then those who used 20-pin on a 24-pin MB to be honest. Sure they got away with it but the MB needs 24 pin PSU in order to get the full benefits from the MB.
LoL, and I was under the impression the video card companies were supposed to be working on less power reqs not more. So now I need a new PSU because my Antec doesn't have a 8pin power slot and IF I SLI 550watts may not be enough now. . .
Sorry guys I don't think so. It looks like another video card to me.
Posted on Reply
its 6 pin compatable :) I just hope this thing pwnz cause than I'll buy one.. otherwise I may wait till nexted fleet of dx10 cards.

I think this is the most highly anticipated and expected to be good dollar value ati card, it better do good.
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleDid you fall in love with bad booty? I hope this isn't accurate. Is this another fud campaign?
like to see the 975 testing and some CF ...then ....:cool:
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleDid you fall in love with bad booty? I hope this isn't accurate. Is this another fud campaign?
God, I hope those are REALLY, REALLY inaccurate. Oblivion was made for ATI, how could it perform so badly? No way would ATI come out with a card that sucks compared to an nVidia card... or have they let us all down?
Posted on Reply
ummmm the dude had the cards in his lap with his hands all over them, no antistatic bags, no wristband, no static buffer whatsoever. do you really think someone like that is smart enough to put together a proper rig with a proper psu and drivers? I think not, he's practically doing the cards. lol
Posted on Reply
My stars went supernova
yogurt_21ummmm the dude had the cards in his lap with his hands all over them, no antistatic bags, no wristband, no static buffer whatsoever. do you really think someone like that is smart enough to put together a proper rig with a proper psu and drivers? I think not, he's practically doing the cards. lol
I do that stuff all the time. In fact I have parts laying all over my PC room with no static protection at all. When you mess with the stuff all the time you tend not to think about antistaic bags.
Posted on Reply
Look on the Catalyst pictures the card has an amount of 512mb of ram.
Or is there a new Technology to eliminate ram due to 2D clocks?
Posted on Reply
DaMultaI do that stuff all the time. In fact I have parts laying all over my PC room with no static protection at all. When you mess with the stuff all the time you tend not to think about antistaic bags.
especially with my old computer stuff :D

My dvd drives get "thrown"
Posted on Reply
If you have a woolshirt on and rub yourself on a carseat, no I wouldn't go near any computer stuff. Hurts enough your hand to touch some metal afterwards, not thinking what it would do for circuitry. But it's fine to touch 'em on normal conditions. I do put memory on their boxes if not in use and store GPUs in antistatic bags, but I do have my previous mobo with it's memory besides me on the floor (on top mobo-box) :P
Posted on Reply
If he was on carpet id see it as a problem. But the wood floor is alright since you dont static zap the cards when you walk around and generate static between yourself and the carpet.

Although with a card that expensive I dont think id risk it...
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
I'm guilty of not using anti-static bags or straps when handling my stuff. I just make sure I zap myself on something metal before I touch anything. lol

Now, back on track, that's a good looking card. The anticipation of finding out what these can do is killing me. Not to mention the addition of some competition to the market, hopefully driving down prices. I have $450-500 saved to spend on a card, and I want the most bang for my buck, be it ATI or nVidia.
Posted on Reply
Problem is when the nda is finally lifted and the benches come out they will all be dx9benches. Which may not be "zomg this card gets likez 200frames in oblivion lolz!" good. I still don't think much about 8800 or r600 benches till they start testing these cards on crysis or 3d mark 07 comes out. I do love they way these cards look though.
Posted on Reply
ex_revenIf he was on carpet id see it as a problem. But the wood floor is alright since you dont static zap the cards when you walk around and generate static between yourself and the carpet.

Although with a card that expensive I dont think id risk it...
The dude is wearing socks :wtf:
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUThat is so sweet looking I about messed my pants. I am definately getting one of these and I dont care how much the wife barks at me.
We don't want to think about you messing your pants!!! Please!
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