Friday, August 10th 2007

Pirates Successfully Remove DRM From Streaming Netflix Movies
Movie rental company Netflix recently released a movie streaming service, which allows people who are too impatient to wait for a DVD to come in the mailbox to watch a movie right from their laptop/desktop. Unfortunately, these streamed movies are loaded with copy protection, which limits the movie, frustrates the customer, and is otherwise a pest. Hackers who are tired of seeing companies like Netflix abuse the customer with DRM-filled movies are working hard day and night to crack these DRMs. Recently, hackers have successfully removed the DRM from a Netflix streamed movie, which allows it to be watched exactly as it's supposed to be. The DRM removal process is not guaranteed, is not fool-proof, and in the USA, it's not legal.
The Inquirer
16 Comments on Pirates Successfully Remove DRM From Streaming Netflix Movies
12 person jury FTW! Gotta love criminal court, a simple explanation can sway the opinion of 1 person and thats all it takes. Just don't use it to pirate and re-sell because then it can be a private suit also which you don't get a jury.
So to the companies that like to give us the shaft because a few steal or otherwise...
And besides to be honest here..... Honestly.....
People are going to pay for something or they wont.... If they will pirate something they will, period, and there is nothing thats really going to stop them, laws or not, copy protection or not, so give it up and stop being pricks to those that actually pay for your crap.
Because we can!
Wether or not this is useful to people, its still effective in making a point.
DRM will never work. Yeah, I'd say thats a pretty risky chance these days.