Friday, October 12th 2007

Unreal Tournament 3 Beta Demo Available
Gaming's premiere first-person shooter Unreal Tournament 3 is now available for download on our servers. This Beta demo includes VCTF-Suspense, DM-Heatray and DM-ShangriLA maps. Hurry up and try it.
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25 Comments on Unreal Tournament 3 Beta Demo Available
Downloading now :D
1.Open My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3 Demo\UTGame\Config\UTEngine.ini (in notepad)
2.Find bInitializeShadersOnDemand=False
3.Change False to true and save
found this on the official forums after messing about for about half an hour re-installing direct x & forceware drivers etc, it worked for me
P.S this rocks!!
This is a first ever!!!!
I have never seen them this way before.
Dunno why epic would do that though, they've had good 64 bit support for their engines/games in the past, I don't see why this beta should somehow be limited by a 64 bit os.
I've updated my drivers, and when i get into the menu as it is loading the level it just gives me a critical error =/
It looks like Gears because they use the same engine. Probably borrowed some textures as well.
WinXP 64 installer workaround
1) Click on Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
2) Right click on Software Restriction Policies and select New Software Restriction Policies from the popup menu.
3) Left click on Software Restriction Policies, right click on Enforcement, and select Properties from the popup menu.
4) Under Apply software restriction policies to the following users: click All users except local administrators. Click the Apply and OK buttons - you should now be able to install the UT3 Demo
We are currently investigating why it doesn't run afterwards. Sorry for the inconvenience... we certainly would've liked this to be much smoother :-/
Runs maxed out on my comp @ 1280x1024 :D. Its damn sweeeet.
Was worth the wait, waiting for it to come to an Aussie server for speeds of 1.2mb/s :).
Tried the fix in the post above although my card isn't nvidia...
Anyone knows what to do?????
btw: I updated my drivers for nforce2 and for my vga-card!!?
It had something to do with my ATI-card x800xt. I checked
dxdiag and it wouldn't run the 3d-tests with the newest catalyst-
drivers. I read on a forum one had the same problem with any driver
newer then 7.7. So I downgraded my card to last named version.
Everything runs fine now, allthough my specs aren't really good
enough for the game. Got a decent framerate on low quality (25-35 fps),
but the game looks awfull imo this way.