Tuesday, October 16th 2007

Microsoft Patents Using Electroencephalograph Signals for Activity Recognition

Microsoft says that it is hard to properly evaluate the way people interact with computers since questioning them at the time is distracting and asking questions later may not produce reliable answers. "Human beings are often poor reporters of their own actions," the company says. Instead, Microsoft wants to read the data straight from the user's brain as he or she works away. They plan to do this using electroencephalograms (EEGs) to record electrical signals within the brain. The trouble is that EEG data is filled with artifacts caused, for example, by blinking or involuntary actions, and this is hard to tease apart from the cognitive data that Microsoft would like to study. So the company has come up with a method for filtering EEG data in such a way that it separates useful cognitive information from the not-so-useful non-cognitive stuff. The company hopes that the data will better enable to them to design user interfaces that people find easy to use. Whether users will want Microsoft reading their brain waves is another matter altogether.
Source: New Scientist
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21 Comments on Microsoft Patents Using Electroencephalograph Signals for Activity Recognition

Senior Moderator
Thanks to [I.R.A]_FBi for finding this story.
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anytime brah

basically its mind reading ...
Posted on Reply
so the link between humans and computers really is getting smaller
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imagine .. today they take screenshots of ur work screens ... tomorrow .. screen shots of ur thoughts ...

imagine the targeted ads?
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this is some wierd Stuff
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They aren't reading your mind. They're simply monitoring your brain activity.
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How do we know its not some goverment scheme trying to read are thoghts? :laugh:
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Electroencephalograph= Biggest word i have ever dun seen.Get er dun!
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oh! now i know what Bill Gates meant when he said that next windows will be completely different
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CDdude55Electroencephalograph= Biggest word i have ever dun seen.Get er dun!
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dude, I mess up the spelling of "LoL" half the time..
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Knows what makes you tick
Uh.....No.....HELL no. No way would I do that. I would stop using a computer entirely before I would allow that to happen.
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JC316Uh.....No.....HELL no. No way would I do that. I would stop using a computer entirely before I would allow that to happen.
4 real :shadedshu
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JC316Uh.....No.....HELL no. No way would I do that. I would stop using a computer entirely before I would allow that to happen.
h'endorsed ...
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Holy crap, thats a real word. lol:eek:
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imagine ur at work in teh middle of a powerpoint presentation, and a for a fleeting second your mind wanders to your wife, your work pc then ftp's home and digs up pics of your wide naked and shows them on teh projector ....
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Anyone who's seen Mary Poppins knows that supercalifragalisticexpialadocious is the longest word in existence...too bad firefox spell check doesn't agree :p.
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you guys, its not going to read your mind, they are using this technique to better understand what most users are trying to say. That way they could built a better and more user friendly interface. Computers will not read your mind any time soon, so stop going crazy...
Posted on Reply
you guys, its not going to read your mind, they are using this technique to better understand what most users are trying to say. That way they could built a better and more user friendly interface. Computers will not read your mind any time soon, so stop going crazy...
you gotta admit, though, being able to go Johnny Mnemonic with some bio-implants would totally rule . . .
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imperialreignyou gotta admit, though, being able to go Johnny Mnemonic with some bio-implants would totally rule . . .
may be, but that wasn't the topic :laugh:
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a111087you guys, its not going to read your mind, they are using this technique to better understand what most users are trying to say. That way they could built a better and more user friendly interface. Computers will not read your mind any time soon, so stop going crazy...
If a company with teams of skilled designers need a brain monitoring device to create a user friendly interface then to be frank they mustnt be very good at their job.

This idea is about as farfetched and stupid as they come. The cost to benefit ratio isnt going to be very impressive. And if a user cant properly express using words what they want out of an OS or a piece of software then they are even more incompetant than the designers.

Its like getting mummy and daddy to tell you what meal youd like because your too busy trying to take in the entire mcdonalds menu at the same time.

Edit - Last time I checked, clicking on the startbar wasnt incredibly difficult. Though maybe some users need a massive billboard saying "Hit the left button of the device in your right hand to choose what you would like to do" next to it. And probably some arrows too, and the funky MS paperclip/wizzard in the corner giving you hints.
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