Friday, March 7th 2008

Sony and Microsoft Discuss Blu-ray for Xbox 360
The Financial Times citing an unnamed senior executive reports that rivals Sony and Microsoft are discussing the possibility of offering a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360. Sony Electronics US president Stan Glasgow also noted that the company was holding discussions with both Microsoft and Apple over Blu-Ray. The report even claims that there is also the possibility of an internal Blu-ray drive being incorporated into a new, more expensive Xbox 360 model, as it is already done in the PlayStation 3. Currently all Xbox 360 consoles support the HD-DVD format only, but since Toshiba abandoned production last month, Microsoft has no choice but to reconsider Blu-ray as vital step forward. Microsoft refused to comment on the story.
The Financial Times, GameSpot
22 Comments on Sony and Microsoft Discuss Blu-ray for Xbox 360
Sony was the first company to release consumer electronics based on the Blu-Ray specification, and has been one of the strongest backers of that format.
However, the next generation XBOX is almost guaranteed to include BD in the box for the storage advantages. Anyways, I think MS is more interested in developing digital delivery of movies rather than a disc format.
This is what has been Microsofts strategy all along which was to offer both digital downloads and High Definition Movies on High Definition discs (note that i said HD discs and not HD DVD discs) to consumers so that they could always have a choice.
Of course Sony is going to receive money off of every Blu Ray drive for the 360 heck the Blu Ray Disc Association charges $40 in royalty fees per Blu Ray player.
It wouldnt surprise me still if the Microsoft Blu Ray add on for the 360 whenever it comes out will be the same price or more as the original HD DVD add on, Since the royalty fee is higher. But then again... this is all speculation noone really knows whats going to happen right now since Microsoft is denying all of this anyways.
Now if I could just get my Talismoon MiniSpy I would be on track for an awsome movie collection to stream to my display...