Wednesday, December 10th 2008

ATI Catalyst 8.12 Released

ATI has just released this year's final version of its Catalyst driver package. As you might already know from our previous BETA release post, with the release of ATI Catalyst 8.12 users can now unlock the potential of accelerated applications enabling ATI Stream technology for various ATI Radeon graphics processors. This release also adds Stream technology to ATI's AVIVO Video Converter and many performance improvements.

DOWNLOAD: ATI Catalyst 8.12

Performance Improvements
  • 3DMark Vantage DX10 - performance gains of up to 5% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on HD46xx, HD4550 and
  • Call of Duty: World at War DX9 - performance gains of up to 21% for Single
    and Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD48xx.
  • Crysis DX10 - performance gains of up to 25% for Single and Crossfire
    mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Crysis Warhead DX10 - performance gains of up to 13% for Single card
    mode and up to 16% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on
    all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Devil May Cry 4 DX10- performance gains of up to 6% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
  • Fallout 3 - performance gains of up to 15% for Single card mode.
  • Far Cry 2 DX10 - performance gains of up to 10% for Single card mode and
    up to 57% in Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon
    HD4xxx and HD38xx.
  • FEAR DX9 - performance gains of up to 6% for Single and Crossfire mode.
    Performance gains were noticed on Radeon HD4870X2 and HD4870.
  • Hellgate: London DX10 - performance gains of up to 6% for Single card
    mode and up to 10% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on
    all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Left 4 Dead DX9- performance gains of up to 10% for Single card mode and
    up to 5% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon
    HD4870 series.
  • Lost Planet Colonies DX10 - performance gains of up to 10% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
  • Prey OGL - performance gains of up to 15% for Crossfire mode. Performance
    gains were noticed on Radeon HD4870 1GB products, HD46xx,
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - performance gains of up to 10% for Crossfire
    mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and HD38xx.
  • Unreal Tournament 3 DX9 - performance gains of up to 18% for Single
    card mode and up to 15% in Crossfire mode, especially in cases where AA is
    enabled. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
Source: ATI
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87 Comments on ATI Catalyst 8.12 Released

Gone Fishing
human_errorI always do this (i use driver cleaner pro), issue still not resolved and there are quite a few people starting to post on the ATI forums with similar issues with 3870 based cards both in single and crossfire configurations.

Seems that Windows is detecting an incompatability between the new drivers and my GPUs :(
You arent using a modded BIOS by any chance? from what I have read, the people with the least issues in crossfire are the ones who did not install anything before upgrading to 8.12.
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1who cares about that dead horse
I do.. I still have yet to beat it on anything higher than low..
Posted on Reply
ShadowFoldI do.. I still have yet to beat it on anything higher than low..
What res are you playing it at? Do you have FSAA enabled? Both these factors KILL GPUs in Crysis. So try lowering/disableing those FIRST before you lower the Details.

Shadows are also very demanding, start out with lower settings first (good point to start is medium, for low there are no shadows)... I managed to get a playable 25-30fps like this on pretty much everything high/very high and and am running an HD2600 (res is only 848x480 though; still looks good thanks to the games integrated Shader-antialiasing (not the FSAA option!)).

With your setup you should be able to play the game at 40fps with the same settings as I have on at least 1440x900 resolution 0xAA. Main things killing my FPS are resolution and FSAA, aswell as Shadows (set to medium for me) and very high shaders (set to high for me, however still enableing the sunshafts and object-motionblur from within the autoexec).

Give it a tweak and let us know, there is really no logical reason why Crysis shouldn't run fluidly on your system with most of the eye-candy enabled.

Edit: Crysis is one of the few games that runs better in DX10 for me, so be sure to run it in DX10.
Posted on Reply
Prash:( i hope the final outcome will be good. Will be waiting for your review.
There is a really crappy bug in this game. I won't post my exact numbers "don't have time right now" but, I can get 50 avg fps when I alt tab out to my desktop and let the video card get its memory back and then go back into the game. The game will eventually CTD if I don't occasionally do that. THE GAME HAS A REALLY BAD MEMORY LEAK!!!! It is pretty obvious just do what I said and you can see that the FPS jump up after doing it, then the memory starts leaking out again and the FPS start to dip down again. I can watch it go all the way down to like 1fps that's how bad the leak is. I then ran COD4 max everything 1980x1200 and solid 91FPS and Crysis WARS solid 30 FPS at 1680x1200 all settings high I think... I should be,, pushing 50 FPS avg with GTA IV from what I seen last night.
Posted on Reply
Thanks for that, but did u notice any improvements? Anyhow this will help others but not me as i have already ordered a GTX 260/216 :D
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Vanguard Beta Tester
actually was the cleanest install for me since in using the 3870x2 gpu..... did ya'll follow Erockers ATI gpu un-install guide?
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
i want to see that article myself.
Posted on Reply
human_errorHmm it's not installing on my vista 64 machine with a 3870X2 - i get an "incompatible driver" error during install thrown by vista and when the computer restarts i get a "no ati driver installed" error...

Downloaded the new drivers direct from ATI too...
YEA i get that same error the one that it says that there is no ati driver installed...
did you find a fix for that? if you did plzz reply by
cuz i am still getting it
Posted on Reply
sparkscarzYEA i get that same error the one that it says that there is no ati driver installed...
did you find a fix for that? if you did plzz reply by
cuz i am still getting it
I'm still waiting on ATi to release a hotfix, i was working with them until they managed to recreate the issue in-house, and they said they will open a knowledgebase article when
they have a fix but it looks to be quite a nasty issue to fix so i think we'll have to wait until ccc9.1 is out in January.

If you have 4850s you can try the 4850 hotfix here but that is only meant to work on 4850s experiencing trouble, if you have a 3870 based chip and are getting the error this won't fix it :(

I'll post in the forums here under the ati sub section in graphics cards if/when i see a fix is available.
Posted on Reply
human_errorI'm still waiting on ATi to release a hotfix, i was working with them until they managed to recreate the issue in-house, and they said they will open a knowledgebase article when
they have a fix but it looks to be quite a nasty issue to fix so i think we'll have to wait until ccc9.1 is out in January.

If you have 4850s you can try the 4850 hotfix here but that is only meant to work on 4850s experiencing trouble, if you have a 3870 based chip and are getting the error this won't fix it :(

I'll post in the forums here under the ati sub section in graphics cards if/when i see a fix is available.
Al rite thanks!! for your help :pimp::rockout:
Posted on Reply
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