Wednesday, December 10th 2008

ATI Catalyst 8.12 Released

ATI has just released this year's final version of its Catalyst driver package. As you might already know from our previous BETA release post, with the release of ATI Catalyst 8.12 users can now unlock the potential of accelerated applications enabling ATI Stream technology for various ATI Radeon graphics processors. This release also adds Stream technology to ATI's AVIVO Video Converter and many performance improvements.

DOWNLOAD: ATI Catalyst 8.12

Performance Improvements
  • 3DMark Vantage DX10 - performance gains of up to 5% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on HD46xx, HD4550 and
  • Call of Duty: World at War DX9 - performance gains of up to 21% for Single
    and Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD48xx.
  • Crysis DX10 - performance gains of up to 25% for Single and Crossfire
    mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Crysis Warhead DX10 - performance gains of up to 13% for Single card
    mode and up to 16% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on
    all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Devil May Cry 4 DX10- performance gains of up to 6% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
  • Fallout 3 - performance gains of up to 15% for Single card mode.
  • Far Cry 2 DX10 - performance gains of up to 10% for Single card mode and
    up to 57% in Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon
    HD4xxx and HD38xx.
  • FEAR DX9 - performance gains of up to 6% for Single and Crossfire mode.
    Performance gains were noticed on Radeon HD4870X2 and HD4870.
  • Hellgate: London DX10 - performance gains of up to 6% for Single card
    mode and up to 10% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on
    all Radeon HD4xxx.
  • Left 4 Dead DX9- performance gains of up to 10% for Single card mode and
    up to 5% for Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon
    HD4870 series.
  • Lost Planet Colonies DX10 - performance gains of up to 10% for Single and
    Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
  • Prey OGL - performance gains of up to 15% for Crossfire mode. Performance
    gains were noticed on Radeon HD4870 1GB products, HD46xx,
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - performance gains of up to 10% for Crossfire
    mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and HD38xx.
  • Unreal Tournament 3 DX9 - performance gains of up to 18% for Single
    card mode and up to 15% in Crossfire mode, especially in cases where AA is
    enabled. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and
Source: ATI
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87 Comments on ATI Catalyst 8.12 Released

no increase in performance for me in vantage and farcry2 , same performance as cat 8.11 . not tried any other game yet
Posted on Reply
chaotic_ukno increase in performance for me in vantage and farcry2 , same performance as cat 8.11 . not tried any other game yet
i hope i can install this set because the last driver frigged up my install of windows and i had to reinstall...but the weird thing is the driver that use to work dont anymore....and this is only when i install crossfirex single card is ok but dual BSOD... on two different wondering if its my raptors....then again could be DAAMIT...cuz my intel/nvidia machine works wonders with its raptor
Posted on Reply
Looks like the release notes show more improvements beyond what the Betas had. Going to give these a shot now.
Posted on Reply
WhilhelmLooks like the release notes show more improvements beyond what the Betas had. Going to give these a shot now.
Let us know what you find. I was expecting to see the official 8.12 to just be a more stable version of RC3. Now i just can't wait to get home and get some tests done.
Posted on Reply
Hmm it's not installing on my vista 64 machine with a 3870X2 - i get an "incompatible driver" error during install thrown by vista and when the computer restarts i get a "no ati driver installed" error...

Downloaded the new drivers direct from ATI too...
Posted on Reply
It resets my computer at windows logon (xp x64).
Posted on Reply
human_errorHmm it's not installing on my vista 64 machine with a 3870X2 - i get an "incompatible driver" error during install thrown by vista and when the computer restarts i get a "no ati driver installed" error...

Downloaded the new drivers direct from ATI too...
use driver cleaner and ccleaner together; both free and make life alot easier. drive cleaner found here;
Posted on Reply
Monkeywomanuse driver cleaner and ccleaner together; both free and make life alot easier. drive cleaner found here;
I always do this (i use driver cleaner pro), issue still not resolved and there are quite a few people starting to post on the ATI forums with similar issues with 3870 based cards both in single and crossfire configurations.

Seems that Windows is detecting an incompatability between the new drivers and my GPUs :(
Posted on Reply
Big Member
Call of Duty: World at War DX9 – performance gains of up to 21% for Single
and Crossfire mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD48xx.
HOT DAMN thats a nice increase!
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
I only just managed to install the 8.12 betas. These came out rather quickly. :D
Posted on Reply
human_errorI always do this (i use driver cleaner pro), issue still not resolved and there are quite a few people starting to post on the ATI forums with similar issues with 3870 based cards both in single and crossfire configurations.

Seems that Windows is detecting an incompatability between the new drivers and my GPUs :(
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP2: FFFFF98014D50C6F

my error.... it only happens in crossfire too
Posted on Reply
its running fine right now but as soon as i hook up the xfrie bridges....errrp bsod of bs...if i run the last drivers from msi i can enable crossfire no problem
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
For those of you with the AGP version of the 3850 and want to get these and 8.11's to install, this is whatcha have to do...

1.) Extract the driver package, you can run it as it'll fail anyway...

2.) Open the file INSTALL.ini in your ATi directory e.g. C:\ATI\SUPPORT\8-12_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_72271\Driver\

3.) Find the following text 0x9505:0x25421002 and replace it with 0x9515:0x0028174B - save!

4.) Now, in the same directory, open the CX_72271.INI file and do the same as option 3. Replace 0x9505:0x25421002 with 0x9515:0x0028174B.

5.) Now go to the XP_INF folder and open the CX_72271.INF file and find "ATI Radeon HD 3850" = ati2mtag_RV630, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9505&SUBSYS_25421002 entry and replace 9505&SUBSYS_25421002 with 9515&SUBSYS_0028174B.

6.) Once you've made all these changes, don't extract the files again as your efforts will be other written, just run the setup file that's already been extracted.

This is actually the 8.12 RC3.

Now it should install flawlessly on your 3850 AGP - if people want me to do earlier cards PM and I'll do what I can.

Posted on Reply
InnocentCriminalFor those of you with the AGP version of the 3850 and want to get these and 8.11's to install, this is whatcha have to do...

1.) Extract the driver package, you can run it as it'll fail anyway...

2.) Open the file INSTALL.ini in your ATi directory e.g. C:\ATI\SUPPORT\8-12_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_72271\Driver\

3.) Find the following text 0x9505:0x25421002 and replace it with 0x9515:0x0028174B - save!

4.) Now, in the same directory, open the CX_70226.INI file and do the same as option 3. Replace 0x9505:0x25421002 with 0x9515:0x0028174B.

5.) Now go to the XP_INF folder and open the CX_70226.INF file and find "ATI Radeon HD 3850" = ati2mtag_RV630, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9505&SUBSYS_25421002 entry and replace 9505&SUBSYS_25421002 with 9515&SUBSYS_0028174B.

6.) Once you've made all these changes, don't extract the files again as your efforts will be other written, just run the setup file that's already been extracted.

This is actually the 8.12 RC3.

Now it should install flawlessly on your 3850 AGP - if people want me to do earlier cards PM and I'll do what I can.

Can I quote this for use in another forum? We have many AGP users there that will like this. I'll quote it as "posted buy InnocentCriminal @ techpowerup.
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
By all means, share the knowledge. If it's OCN then I won't bother as I was going to, but I'm lazy. ^^
Posted on Reply
InnocentCriminalBy all means, share the knowledge. If it's OCN then I won't bother as I was going to, but I'm lazy. ^^

Sorry It's not OCN.... you're going to have to do it still :p
Posted on Reply
Anyone using hd3870 + xp x64?
Posted on Reply
I've installed this fine. But where is the encoding feature?

The Avivo Package on the site released today still says only compatible with x1k series.
Posted on Reply
ghost101I've installed this fine. But where is the encoding feature?

The Avivo Package on the site released today still says only compatible with x1k series.
Catalyst basic view. Should be under Avivo or something similar.
Posted on Reply
TRIPTEX_MTLCatalyst basic view. Should be under Avivo or something similar.
So do I have to install the avivo package? Which according to the ati site says only compatible with x1k series (something which it says every month, would have expected it to change today).
Posted on Reply
The Avivo package is available from the same page you download the drivers.. just further down the page. It's compatible with the 4800, you might be looking at an older archived version.
Posted on Reply
TRIPTEX_MTLThe Avivo package is available from the same page you download the drivers.. just further down the page. It's compatible with the 4800, you might be looking at an older archived version.
Well it gives a release date of today. I'm looking at this page

Also, I've just tried it (and as it has with every previous catalyst version), instant crash. (tried to convert xvid file to an ipod video file)
Posted on Reply
im using vista 64 and i truly believe this problem is either microsoft or ati....dam cards wont work in xfire...but if i disconnect the bridges windows boots fine...put it back on...window boots to welcome screen then bsod...
if i download the 8.11 package from msi it works fine i can enable crossfire and all no worries...ANY SUGGESTIONS
Posted on Reply
springs113im using vista 64 and i truly believe this problem is either microsoft or ati....dam cards wont work in xfire...but if i disconnect the bridges windows boots fine...put it back on...window boots to welcome screen then bsod...
if i download the 8.11 package from msi it works fine i can enable crossfire and all no worries...ANY SUGGESTIONS
You and many others with your problem should give this post a read.:)
Posted on Reply
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