Saturday, December 20th 2008
Will Economic Recession Impact the Video Game Industry?
Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 6 months, you are aware that the global economy is in recession. Journalists for The Economist magazine have written an interesting article on how the video game industry has proven, so far, to be recession proof. Games sales in America were up 35% this year in October over last year and hardware sales were up as well. However large software developers, like EA and Activision Blizzard, are reporting losses. For a more detailed explanation check out the article.
34 Comments on Will Economic Recession Impact the Video Game Industry?
And for for argument some countries have it bad. I was visiting a friend in Kiev this August and the dollar was 4.68, last week it was $8.10! Ukraine might not be a big gamer country but it is all going to add up.
I have a copy of Fate somebody bought me 2yrs ago and I am playing it finally. I sure as heck can't spend $50 on a new game!
why not bush has already borrowed so much from china that we probbly wont ever pay it off.
Really, the $200 billion average per year for 5 years spent on Iraq pales in comparison to other spending. When the USA commits to a war, Congress needs to make the necessary changes to balance the budget. So, instead of blaming the war which we are committed to, why not blame Congress for failing to cut spending in areas that don't need it? As you can see from the chart, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security are the ones that need a helluva lot of work. Defense used to be 50% of the budget...
Usually, the USA as a whole profits during wartime:
A second attack on US mainland has not taken place. I call that successful.
just wait, it will happen again, still far to easy to get into the us with any chemical, bio or radioactive agent they want.