hey Ketxxx,
I just wanted to make sure I was doing things right. I installed everything as was explained. I found the Creative CP in my Start/Control Panel, but it wont turn on, error message says-
The Audio Device Supported By This Application Is Not Detected. The Application will Exit.
After uninstalling all audio device drivers and applications and than reboot, I started by changing the reg to sp2, loaded up 888111 and restarted, the kb888111 showed up in Add/remove, but did not show in 'System Devices'.
"It was in Add/Remove at one point", but I fudged up and had to start the process all over again! Upon the second try, after running kb888111xpsp2.exe and getting a message about a "successful install", I could not find "kb888111" in Add/Remove(remember, this is the second attempt at an install)After another reboot I installed the X-fi 2.18 modded driver(Realtek R2.18 XP X-Fi mod driver 32-64bit). It shows up in Add/Remove(Realtek HD/AD) and in Device Manager: 'sound, video and gaming controllers'(Realtek X-fi). So, with that done, I moved to extracting the 'AppSetup.exe' from X-fi 'SBXF_PCDRV_LB_2_18_0008.exe', than preformed the install.
After running/installing Appsetup.exe, I went to my control Panel to see if 'Creative Audio CP' is present, It is! However, when I try to run 'Creative Audio CP' it gives me the above statement quoted. I can play music and movies in vlc, which does sound better all around, but, with passing on the info I've submitted, have I done something wrong? I'm new at modding software, so please let me know!
Should the 'Creative CP' load to an interface?
The nub,
Silent Chill-
eXPerience 32bit-OS
e8400 @ 3.6GHz 1.136vcore(CPUID), ITB on air max-load 43c
GA EP45 UD3R/ alc889a
HyperX 1066 2.2v/ 4-4-4-12
eVGA 9600GT 2000MHz
WD 160GB HDD 7200rpm
Antec 300, Air conduit mod, all 12v fans at 5v
Added a pic, hope it helps giving me an answer, if not, please direct me on what info you need to help me.
Thanks in advance - marK
A pic of everything open on the Desktop, if that helps?
The E8400 / GA EP45 UD3R / eVGA 9600GT