We all know that apart from some X570 motherboards that will be the only ones to support PCIE4 and the top TDP Zen2 cpus, the rest will have the same basic design as the previous 2 gens fro Ryzen cpus. You just pretend to be ignorant of this info just to troll AMD as usual...
To be honest, I didn't know that has been confirmed. I'm not surprised at all, but it would erode the platform attractiveness even further.
X570 motherboards will be very expensive because of OC/gaming features. Do I really need a X570 mobo for Zen2 PC used for rendering or scientific computing?
As a result, aren't you worried about top Zen2 power consumption? Why would they not be supported on lower motherboards if they're good enough for 8C Zen+ (95W TDP). Just how much more will a 12C Zen2 pull? I think most AMD fans hoped it'll be at least similar.
It's not possible to make a cool running chipset unless you move to a more advanced manufacturing node and it's something AMD didn't do for whatever reason, be it cost, time, resources, something else...
So isn't this the right topic to discuss this after all?
AMD put everything in the part that's benchmarked: R&D money, new node supply etc.
Zen2 may be a good CPU, but if the platform is weak, it will struggle to compete with Intel's more robust approach.
Unfortunately this means that those that want an X570 board, has to suffer with a bit hotter running chipset. However, from my understanding of what I know so far, the chipset only gets really hot when NVMe RAID is enabled or if you do a lot of high-speed data transfers over the PCIe bus. My guess is that the fans won't kick in unless the chipset goes over a certain temperature threshold.
As I mentioned earlier: this is a problem since most airflow in the case is driven by CPU, which may be almost idle when chipset is under full load. Hence the need for more robust cooling. It's just a pity they didn't focus on this a bit more and just went for a fan.
That said, I understand PCIe4.0 support will also appear in cheaper chipsets and cheaper motherboards - if not this year then the next for sure. If AMD doesn't deliver cooler chipsets, we'll see fans in the whole AMD lineup. And while I'm very skeptical whether X570 fans will be of high quality (Noctua-level), the ones put in future $50 motherboards certainly won't be.
I said bye ages ago , your just re typeing the same shit over and over , without any proof THIS fan is anything like you say, total bullshit.
That's the thing about discussing rumors. There are no proofs. Do you have a proof that Zen2 Ryzen will appear at all? Maybe AMD will change their mind and become a console maker?
Your not interested in buying Amd , you troll every thread ,sat at a total shitter i wouldn't game on.
That could just about play CsGo.
I think this argument is really old by now. Don't you have something new? I don't game on a PC (literally not even a minute this year, just occasionally earlier). For example: I haven't played CS, ever.
And you, repeatedly mocking people for having cheaper PC parts than you do, is rather shameful. But maybe my expectations for this forum are too high.
You know f all about tech yet spend hours on forums chatting ball's.
I know more about tech than you do - that's for sure.

Having an expensive PC is neither necessary nor a guarantee of extensive computer knowledge.
Just like living in UK hasn't (clearly) made you learn proper English.
And do not speak to me regarding this shit again.
You have no power to force that, just like I have no power to make you behave properly. Life is rough.