There will be a post mortem given to investors. I think what happened here is an amalgamation of Star Citizen and AMD.
For the Star Citizen comparison you have what
@dyonoctis says about the Evelyn path (or lack of). Pre-realization that they couldn't actually build what they wanted in a timely manner, they likely had a whole Evelyn branch planned. Why else would you build up that split? Especially right in the beginning. The difference between CDPR and Roberts, is that CDPR had to bend to pressure and cut content to release a game. Unfortunately, we get left with what CP2077 is today. I say unfortunately but really there is nothing unfortunate about it to
me but others have not been so lucky. Now with Roberts, you will get the game Roberts wants...maybe. Because the game may not ever be finished. He will continually want something that prevents the game from releasing. Both of these games are examples of how not to do it.
With the relationship to AMD, the hype train for this game went to next level. Hell next Universe. That isn't really CDPR's fault. They can't really control what others say and do. But it doesn't appear they made any effort to reel that hype in. But what are they going to do? Say: No, actually this game sucks ass and we had to dumb it down cuz PS4 and XBone. Of course not. They took the best option at the time (seemed like it anyway): the bennies. Again another woulda, coulda, shoulda but didn't brought to us by retirement accounts everywhere.