Yeah, saw where you were coming from there. It's great that there are still ways to try. Demoing games can be tricky and that is really too bad, I think it's a great way to sell it on some real merits instead of just talk. And people will have less to clang swords about if they can get the money back.
Personally, I am axiomatically opposed to judging my games on a scale of bad to good. At least not primarily. And especially not going into them. I find I can never place enough confidence in that framing. It produces some aberrant outcomes for me. I've learned to look at it more in terms of personal interest level. Because if I'm really interested in playing a game, I find myself in a mindset where the quality could be anything and I simply am not concerned. I want to see what it's about. Easy goal to meet. If all I want is to see what it is about, I can't fail, right?
No... but that is how I saw this game. I thought it could be great, mediocre, or terrible. I was leaning mediocre. Just by sheer hype factor, there was no way they could ever deliver all of that. But I wanted to see THE Cyberpunk game. We don't get a lot of those in full scale titles and a big-budget studio is making one. I wanted it to be really good. Of course it disappointed me on many fronts. But it was still good. I made sure to see it all, because what was good, was like, astoundingly good. But at the end of the day, it's the complete package of experiences that came with getting into it that made picking it up worth it for me... something a little beyond all of that. It has been very interesting and I'm really satisfied with that. I want to see what else they will do. But that's me. I went into it for my own reasons and had my own fun. And sometimes I really believe that's just the way I should be doing it. I get so much more out of everything I play that way. I think that whether I realize it or not, personal interest is the deciding factor there - what I have to put into it. From there, I'm just reaching for reasons to convey to others.
But that is to say I wouldn't hold it against anybody for waiting it out or simply skipping it. You do have to ask yourselves how interested you are in playing it. I can't really speak on that. This is just the mindset I've found my way into.