See, the issue with your comparison is that "ev is the future" has been a motto since the 1990s, arguably even earlier. The very first time that was said was the electric model t. We all saw how that went. Just because a new tech is good doesnt mean it will dominate nor is it imminent. Everyone in 2006 who said that EVs would dominate by 2020 look pretty foolish, what with EVs making up less then 1% of consumer car sales and all.
As far as resolutions go, 4k ahs been around for years now. 1440p is not a new resolution by any means. Yet, 1440p and 4k combined are less then 10% of the total market, and 25% of the market is sub 1080p. Claiming 4k120 is the future and that 1080p should be ignored is rediculous, at thsi rate itll take decades before either 1440p or 4k get to half of 1080p's usage numbers, let alone exceed 1080p in the market.
Hang on let me just re read 8 pages ago for context and I'll get back to you.
But you can start with steam stats aren't worth much.
And end on that's the comment you want to drag on ?!.
Me quoted again
I know, is steam defined universally as the goto definition of what people are buying to game on in the future ?! No it's at best an indicator of what they have now.
Do people buy new tech just to continue with what they're doing now, or do a major proportion of new buyers buy parts expecting an improvement or increase in gaming performance?!.
I already know the answers to these too."
So again what do people buy new stuff for, to do the same stuff ?!.
It will take time obviously but doesn't mean only 1080p counts until then, been 4k here for 3 years now and I still own a 1080p laptop until it dies, and it isn't getting swapped for another 1080p.