The more I look at what Toyota has done (and is doing) with a hydrogen powered internal combustion engine even... I just don't get it. I know storage costs of hydrogen are expensive, but if it were scaled up, wouldn't the cost dramatically lower? The Boring Company could dig giant underground storage facilities (its cold as crap if you dig far enough down)... and store the tanks of hydrogen there, and a driver will simply drive down a ramp, get the hydrogen tank replaced, and drive off.
I feel like clean energy with no messy batteries even... is staring us right in the face, why is Toyota taking a risk on it if there is no possible future for it? I don't get it. Someone educate me.
(reason I bring this up is because I was just reading recently how 5% of all electric car batteries are recycled, who knows what happens to rest... not to mention they are not good to begin with...)
If all world governments got on board and were like ok all... we highly miscalculated climate change, things need to change within 5 years... all mass production changed to this hydrogen idea... would it be impossible?
AFAIK hydrogen is able to be made from water too, there is some aircraft flying nonstop in high altitude running on this, using solar panels for electricity needed. I guess main killer of development is all cons currently found to be too big to make it massively used. If enough cash into this project, solutions would be found.
But dont get mistaken, there is always enough billions around to be spent for diggin into ground to keep those dirty gas refineries running, because simple fact. Fixed cost make it both dirty and dirty cheap. Quite similar story of china bottle stored liquid sodium batteries, those useable only ground stored mainly, as they heat up alot during charging, but they would be great for house charging. Instead there are used quite rare Lithium or other heavy metal batteries stored inside house.
Oh, I forgot also Lithium batteries already went into mass production, which is main reason for it to be cheap, they went down in price by ratio 1:20 vs original price. If there was used only actual cost per unit made, there would be no development at all. Flammability of hydrogen itself should be controlled with active and passive safety measures same as nuclear energy, but with far smaller costs and effect in case of accident, also car tanks for it are high safe, probably safer than car gas tanks, only problem is if hydrogen would leak slowly contaminating indoor (garage). Thats also customization of gas engines to propane trouble.
There would be nice from people to get just little bit smaller cars, maybe go back little for just cars no extra features, no conditioning, no radio, no electric windows or heating seats. Original cars in 80s and early 90s were quite low consumption, with not much useless crap installed, current cars still tend to grow, and I dont mean just making more luxury cars, main problem is those common class cars become tanks.
FInally passive safety is BS sold by companies, most customers simply prefer bigger-safer....which in hands of maniac or phone-tablet watching driver becomes anyway it had been before.
Thats another reason why everybody is now trying for AI controlled cars.
There could come day, people loose any control and responsibility over danger...which is absolute mental and survival instict killer.