I'm 20 hours awake, completely busted by a gym session and English is not even my 2nd language, yet I understood their message on the very 1st attempt. Don't see much room for comprehensibility upgrades
Regarding the topic, my 6700 XT is still 'live'n'kicking. Don't see any reason why I should upgrade it without it dying for the next... 40 months, I might guess? Excellent 2560x1080 performance.
7000 series mid-range is a complete circus so I'm fully loaded with pop-corn watching how nVidia is forcing AMD to delay the already everdelayed. I'll be damned if 4070 and 7700/7800 even manage to preserve 3/4 of their price to the end of the year. Demand is even lower than my IQ.
Intel goes more powerful Arc cards before the Q3, both AMD and nVidia are... I'm unsure if I'm eligible for uttering this word here. The kaput will be bestown upon them to be short.