Point taken. I'll try to make some time to install the CPU tomorrow, just in case. At least I'll have a bit more time to test it over the weekend, I guess.
Update: I figured I actually have more time today than I will tomorrow, so I installed the CPU. First start, 6000 MHz EXPO on the RAM, 1.2 V on the SoC, it starts right up!
There must be something wrong... In the TPU review, it ran way cooler than the non-X3D chips, but when I fired up Cinebench, core temperature jumped to the max. 89 °C within a couple of seconds, and I ended up with 17000 points with only 80-ish W consumed... under a 280 mm AIO! Maybe my pasting wasn't the best, but it idles only a couple degrees higher than the 7700X, so it seems to be OK.
Anybody with similar experience?