Thanks bro!
I picked the 128GB and didn't look at the 256GB version actually at first, because I assumed it cost more ofcourse ,sadly it was not much more then the 128GB version at my provider.
Oh well I already ordered the 128GB version and it arrived today, I could get 100 EUR cash back promotion from samsung, if I had sent back my new phone and waited for my money in return and then waiting for the 256GB version to arrive I might have been too late to get the 100 EUR cash back...
Anyway, I'm fine with the 128GB version, installed my apps and updates today and that including the android 13 OS , it's only using 34,4GB (which is nice),
I have 93,6GB free storage space left for photos and more apps if I want, I mean, till today I was using a S7 with 32GB storage... So I'm good.

Actually the correct storage should be 119GB for a 128GB phone? Oh well...
Samsung promised 5 Year updates and 4 new android versions , I'm good upto at least 2028..