31 years old, I'm a contract killer...
For real I do kill, but it's pest control

I'm VP of a company, have been doing pest control since high school and hope to stay in it till the day I retire. I've worked construction on the side to make more money during the winter months. I always have enjoyed tech, but I can't stay in one place for long. Everyday is different and you're constantly problem solving how and where are the pests getting in etc. The hours constantly change as your schedule revolves around the customers, some days might be 4hrs or 14hrs long... It's important to stay fit so you can climb around attic's or crawl underneath homes etc. I've seen some spectacular homes and some absolute messes, I've meet amazingly kind and scummy people. It's definitely not for everyone, but it's got job security covid was a boost as people where home more and noticed pest problems. AI and robots can't do this job, most chemicals we use are much stronger and longer lasting than you can pick up at any store. We try to create a connection with each customer so they know we truly care and are there to help solve any problems.
I always thought I might get into tech, but I decided I like it as a hobby and not a carrier. I'm able to buy the things I want and play the games I want whenever I have free time.
I've learned everything I know on the job never went to college, I've thought about going and taking night courses to learn a few skills for business, but seems you can learn most of it online or just on the job from keeping good people around.