I found the first episode a rather boring, paint-by-numbers copy (the format/writing has been done repeatedly at this point). I like the middle episodes overall other than a few nonsensical things. The last episodes I hated. Both for the stupid treatment of the BoS and how the writing of the whole episode pretty much broke the first. That episode should have been scrapped and rewritten.
I certainly don't proclaim it to be high-art or without it's share of faults (or faulty logic/plot holes), but I found it an enjoyable-enough way to spend a day (as a non-fan with low expectations); it's a TV show.
I binged it without digesting each episode (I didn't really ever plan on sharing my thoughts about it), so I couldn't articulate it quite to the extent you just did, but I think what you're saying is fair.
The exception being that climaxes are almost never to the level people appear to expect them to be, especially in translation from games; Halo also had this problem iirc. Only so much time/budget.
While sometimes I can be hypercritical about things I'm familiar or extremely interested in, in other cases I'm just happy to see people like '
Henry Gale from Minnesota' again...complete with scene-chewery.
Guilty pleasure of character-actors in my case, I suppose. I enjoyed it despite it being Fallout (so I put aside the stuff I already knew I didn't care for/think is illogical/nonsensical), rather than because Fallout.
It's very possible I don't feel comfortable scrutinizing it to the level of other media simply as I'm at a loss compared to those more intimately familiar with the franchise; those that enjoy aspects for which I can't relate, and what happens in the games. It's the same way many may only look at things casually in which I do more than that.
I don't intend to appear hypocritical.
While I could pick it apart, and certainly not every piece of transmedia should revolve around fan-service/should be able to stand on it's own, it's possible my opinion may be offset by someone else justifying it, or enjoying it, through it being associated by what happens in the games. That's (partially) why I asked. I'm not the intended fan-base, and that's okay, but I still enjoyed some aspects of it for what it was.
I'm the guy that would've preferred Season 3 of The Wilds...and would've loved to pick THAT apart (despite it also being fairly popcorn/trope-tastic), but I'm almost-certainly in the minority on that one!
FWIW, I also had problems with the final episodes of the season...and if that wasn't the most shoe-horned way to the most-expected cliffhanger (even to casuals) I've ever seen, I don't know what would be.
If you asked any person remotely familiar with the franchise how they would expect the season to end, I bet most people would guess correctly...because that's well-known to be the most beloved thing.
While writing endings is hard, they had a pretty easy lead-in to what they did...it just felt like they had to get there. Of course you dangle that thing (that fans love/want) for a renewal, for which they succeeded.
Thanks for the response; sorry if de-railed thread. Do appreciate any opinions on the games and/or series though. While it's generally not my cup of tea, I appreciate learning why it is for others! Quirk?
Played career of new Forza Motorsport and it was great, but also eye-opening to me. I play games for 25 years and this game made me realize that I've never liked racing games not just because, but due to titles I've tried playing being always arcadish what I just don't get. You know, e.g. Forza Horizon's driving Ferrari 300 km/h across grassy fields, then landing on country road drifting, losing control and destroying 1000 years old wall made of rocks like it's made of paper. Motorsport was about landing on track and doing training session when you memorize it and check what speed and how you are capable of hitting each corner. And then executing your plan during race. It's so awesome :>
Totally can understand this perspective, and I'm glad you found what you were looking for...That's a great feeling. I know many people agree with you.
I'm the exact opposite: I want another Burnout. It's pretty much the only 'racing' game (okay, also RC Pro AM/Mario Kart) I've ever really enjoyed. I know a lot of people also agree with me.