I don't want to get into any of that. I'm not the guy that encourages either of the above posts; apologies to others if I opened the door by being slightly down on it (which I would still play another).
If you actually knew me, you'd know how much you saying that actually pisses me off (because of how people have been treated in real life and how it's effected them)...but you don't, so I'll bite my tounge.
I *generally* don't care (or at least have negative things to say) about character models and respect artist intention...some of which can be very important to/for certain types of people, in ways you may never comprehend, especially in different points in their lives. We'll get into that conversation at some point (again, if you were around 7 years ago) I'm sure (fairly shortly). Like I said, it's kind of one of the biggest GD big-brain 'spoilers' to one my favorite things ever made that I really like to keep unsaid as much as possible for reasons that I'm intentionally attempting to keep unclear for a reason, but if we have to get into it we shall. I really am intrigued by how the end of this month will go down and if history will repeat itself (on a grander scale this time). If it's different, why is it different? WHERE is it...whatever it is.
I've taken exception a couple of times...Mostly with Crystal Dynamics (which I genuinely generally love)...but that's just my opinion and isn't my intention to inspire malice. I don't know WTF they did to Black Widow in Avengers (it just looks odd imo), and going back further I've mentioned a certain change that occurred in TR13->TR13GOTY that I'm not particularly fond (because ain't no time for botox/makeup after young woman being ship-wrecked imo). It has nothing to do with anything other than respecting what I believe to be the original (reboot, not original original) intention of how to portray the character and how they fit into the situation of the game. I may be wrong, it's been quite some time since I researched that game's dev cycle, but that's my recollection/headcanon, and also just my personal opinion.
I am the guy that is going to give a very long opinion about a somewhat-similar aspect of a certain game though in about...oh...two weeks?
Let me say this: I've never understood buying skins in games. I am, though, kind of excited for my last woman on Earth to be kitted out in stylee skinny jeans.
That generally just looks....fun? A comfortable outfit contrasted against a cold, morose world (with delightfully blue water, though) crawling with Alien-looking aliens?
Anything to get her out of the vinyl and into business casual: as while it responds well to reflections, gives me weird associations I've never completely figured out how to process empathetically...
Maybe I'll get into that, maybe I won't (since many people prefer the
past left there, even though there is often a
lesson to be learned for others). I guess I just did, but it's always a difficult call for me to make bc I am not one of those people that can personally relate to neither their experience nor was I ever a guy that was drawn in by some of those choices. I actually like the music/people and care about them.
What I mean to say is that I honestly don't mean that in any sort of derogatory sense (just as I've respected performers for their actual skills/demeanors); I'm actually into the idea of making Eve look stylish for purely style's sake; putting her in something I feel is appropriate/respectable but still fun. It may actually be catharthic TBH. I understand others may think differently, and I respect that (to an extent), because we all see the world differently and want/need different things to get through life (or help us into our next phase). Some people just want to take, and me...I care about everyone and want people to have fun but also never be uncomfortable or face criticism (or long-term issues) due to some of these things that are done (often not by their choice) because the perception/messaging of people and their art can be intrepreted very differently depending upon a host of factors they may not initially contemplate, fully understand, or actually fully be prepared to deal with for the rest of their lives.
That is a radical new concept for me to think to enjoy; guy that plays Destiny kitted out in pretty generic garb (but always
Nebula Rose + something else purple), certainly not to others that think differently.
Judging by the trailer/demo of said title, I think that game will be quite the conversation piece even disregarding what may or may not be the elephant in the room. There are aspects/mechanics/music of movies/games ranging over twenty years in the gameplay (from Prince of Persia, to Last of Us, Sekiro, and ofc that 'little' game with the characters that certainly don't look at all like the two titular haircuts of that dev-era
Choa Park [If I could ask Akihiko Yoshida one question: Were you Elvis?], as well as others). Some of those pieces of media I have experienced and others may want pointed in the direction of those things to get more of said aspect. As such, there will be games/films/culture that someone else experienced and loved/had thoughts about that I never thought I would like, care, or perhaps had any notion about, but may want more of said thing and hopefully there will be people here (and elsewhere) to point me toward them.
I am excited by that, and already perhaps the notion of simply going through Sekiro....which I didn't play at the time because I was (Dark) Souled out.
Also, the story is a wildcard...but with how everything else is shaping up, I have fairly high hopes it will be one for the year, if not the ages.
I haven't said the obvious title name simply because I'm running out of Twinkle references that don't involve the only
two songs people know music videos most people watched.
Using those kind of defeats the purpose, you know?
Putting off the red bubble references as long as possible, and if/when I have to I know it's gonna
...change the mood
...probably. Pretty good chance their most...infamous...thing...will actually be pertinent.
Like I said...I think there's going to be A LOT to say about that game. Hopefully we don't have to rehash the negative aspects/perceptions of the past (or sometimes present) too much, but if we do...we do.
I'm waiting to see what the prevailing conversation is (which imo so far has been generally tasteful/respectful; somewhat to my surprise), and go from there.
I haven't been wholistically excited by the concept of a game and it's potential impact in quite some time. I am hopeful it will be an important, if not generally positive, discourse.