More IBM goodness... Years back when i got one single IBM Model M Gen 3 with permanent cable, i did not think i would be able to obtain IBM Model F XT even, did not think at all about even IBM Model M122... And here i am today, not only having one, but many... Most ppl would get mad, but the thing is i save the stuff from certain death and the scrap, as this is where they would go otherwise... There are more stuff i will get in the near future...
X2 IBM PS/2 Model 70 i think these were, few Model M and Model F battle ships, few IBM mices, also original IBM key removers, they are too white i think compared to the keyboards huh...

These M122 B$ are both brand new, and also very terminal with the telephone RJ jacks lol...
Does anyone know if these IBM vintage drives are any good for anything, as they are from racks, with too many HDDs, and from the looks of it, these drives are waaaay too IBM proprietary, and i dont think they can be used for something, as the whole god damn rack is so big and heavy, most of us dont have space to store this kind of shit.... I dont think they can be used in most even IBM machines, as they use smaller drivers, not these bricks..