The way I see it, QVLs are for people who can't be bothered to research and check compatibility
That perfectly illustrates the problem I see and eluded to in my post #26 above, and in the previous thread that triggered this poll.
No offense, Tahagomizer, but how is your comment helpful to anyone? Especially for those who "bother" to come to TPU seeking advice on which RAM to buy? Sorry but your comment is as helpful to them as telling them QVLs are "useless" and "worthless".
And frankly, while I know you didn't mean it, that comment was offensive and disrespectful to those who do come to this site seeing advice as researching is exactly what they are doing.
As I said in the other thread,
QVLs are very important - I mean where else can one go to look for compatibility? The board's marketing hype? Amazon? Newegg? PCPartPicker? eBay? Microcenter? We can't trust marketing weenies to give us the correct time of day. And the retailers are just that, retailers. They sure don't have professional testing labs, nor do they pay to have professional testing labs test for compatibility.
The RAM makers? They aren't going to test every board and CPU combination with each of their RAM offerings either. And of course, Crucial is not going recommend G-Skill RAM, or vice versa.
So the ONLY source of this critical information we have are these QVLs. Therefore, when researching for compatible components, QVLs are very important.
So please tell us,
@Tahagomizer since you imply you know - what about those of us who are willing to do the research and check for compatibility but don't know where to look or how to check? What about those of us with vast experience - but not familiar with a particular motherboard/chipset/CPU? What about those of us with no experience at all? Where are we supposed to go to do this research? And how do we check for compatibility - if the QVLs are not it?
When I asked this before, one expert here said, "
Look at the highest supported speed and don't buy that." Look where? The QVL? No, he said they were "pretty worthless". He never told us where to look. Some "mystery" list, I guess. How does that help folks coming here who ARE bothered and are willing to do the research?
Another expert on this site said posters are just supposed give him "
the CPU and board you want to buy, look up previously explained specs, advise by experience." Really? Posters are supposed to know to contact this person, and this person just knows by experience the compatible RAM for every motherboard and CPU out there? Wow. Remarkable. And look up previously explained specs where? That same "mystery" list?
Then it was said that QVLs list RAM based on the RAM makers paying the board makers to list them.

I had to dig out my tin foil hat for that one.
And people wonder why they have problems at times, because they fail to rtfm.
Interesting. True, but interesting. And where do the manuals tell users to go to find compatible RAM? The motherboard's webpage and QVLs.
Again, QVLs are not perfect. Motherboard makers do need to do a better job keeping them current (at least while the boards are still in production and being distributed). But they are still the best "starting" place when researching compatible RAM - at least until replaced by a better source of that information.
So here's the big picture and problem. There are
experts on this site, and I
sincerely mean
true "experts" and whose expertise
I truly respect. Experts I have learned much from. And then you have posters who come to this site seeking advice on how to ensure they are buying compatible RAM.
And what advice do they get some of these experts? The QVLs are "worthless", "useless" or "lame".
So to ALL the experts on this site, why are you here at TPU? Is it to help and advise people with their computer questions? Or it is to impress others with your experience and vast knowledge?
If you are here to help, how is telling posters the QVLs are worthless without advising how or where to get the information they are seeking helping?
If you are here to impress others with your experience and vast knowledge,
then teach us! Explain how we can find compatible RAM for our motherboards without using the QVLs. Don't just say "buy this one" (odds are it will be way out of our budget range anyway). Teach us how to determine this ourselves.
You know,
teach a man to fish!!!
And PLEASE remember that we all, even you, were once naïve, inexperienced, unknowledgeable newbies once too.
I will say no more on this.