my DS ML is a brand new one it seems ... i received an email from the modder i asked to modify my OG DS mentioning that he had issues with the hardware and had to use another OG DS hardware (which explain the JP initial setting)
so he sent back my DS while only asking for shipping fees ... since i only paid 25chf, the added fees made the ML price go up to 35chf for my side
a friend recommended me the guy, telling me he was quite nice, and also a local/national based retro enthusiast
not a buy per se .... but i can show off the ML vs OG fat now

(and the anthracite aftermarket reshell i did )

i wonder if he bought a DS ML from AliExpress .... if yes ... he sold it at a loss... the current price is 45+ chf
nonetheless, i will get an acrylic display case for my OG DS and, since i still have his bank credential, make a donation followed by a sentimental mail about how i am pleased that someone doesn't rip off nostalgic collector maniac like me
UNLESS! he expected this "kindness" to lead to that....

nah, i don't care ... i could have gone and bought it directly from AE for the same price ... i gladly give a bit more to a local modder/reseller
so basically the ML is what "Nintendo-n't" ... making the best Fat DS that ever existed!
i love it soo much that it should be ilegal to do so ....