From what I've seen, it seems to work fine.
That is a single game example. Nice, narrow, cherry pick from ANOTHER site. If you're going to bother with a graph, at least be objective and show the game average graph. Such as;
NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5070 comes at highly competitive pricing of $550 yet offers performance that rivals the much more expensive RTX 4070 Ti. In our review we found out that overclocking works extremely well on these cards and you'll be able to push it to the next tier with just some quick OC.
While I'm with you on the not defending this disappointing card, less be honest shall we? If I can do 4k in a playable way on my 3080, this 5070 will have a easier time. Granted that is with some settings turned down or off, a few more than even I like. But it's doable.