embrace your goldfish memory enthusiasm!
Hey, don't be jerk to me just because I offered an alternate perspective that offends your fragile sensibilities.
but today it's largely an AMD fanboy community
While there is some of that, it's not as severe as you make it out to be. And there's just as much NVidia fanboying..
is because AMD is bad at it
Not anymore, or have you not seen the latest reviews? While AMD's offering don't beat NVidia outright, they're close and those two new GPUs offer very reasonable competition this round. You know me, I'm an NVidia guy, and still going to be one, but I have to tip my hat to AMD, they're coming up.
If you want to feel good about buying Nvidia, why bother going on the internet at all to read/watch reviews and comments? Just buy the most expensive Nvidia card you can afford every time and call it a day. That would be the end result for you either way, right?
No, I might just stick it to NVidia this round and do something else.
AMD 9070 should have no problem kicking the crap out of this POS card. That bad.
And the reviews are out. They're competitive and solidly so. However "kicking the crap out of" is a big stretch.
Not considering a 9070XT?
Looks like the better offer thus far...
Nope. As mentioned earlier, I'm "locked" into the NVidia side of things. I don't just game. Compute is important and AMD doesn't have any comparable options currently. However, I might just separate my gaming/compute rig into separate systems if AMD can pull out all the stops. Been thinking about that kind of move anyway. Often find the two tasks overlapping and it's getting cumbersome.
Even with the new reviews about AMD's offerings, I'm not switching sides. The advances offered by AMD are very good and bring them on par with NVidia in those classes of cards, they're not good enough for me to abandon a great deal of work and have to redo it all just to focus on a new hardware platform. I might just skip this round altogether.. It'll be the first time I've skipped an entire generation of GPU's from camp NV, let alone two. Although, it evens out a bit. I have had a card from every NV gen from the Geforce 6000(mid 2000's) series forward.