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  • Well, been a little under the weather, so to speak. Managed to make it, miserably, through the last 3 days of work. Just one more day, and then it's rest time. Plenty of rest time, fo' shor'!! I am off to bed, Good Night, TPU!! :sleep:
    2 12's done. Now 2 16's. Wish me luck. I will probably not be back, on here, until Wed. It's work, sleep, rinse and run to the bus! LOL, at least for the next couple days.
    I went to the Diner and had a good read with some coffee and a bowl of Chili and a hot Ham and Cheese Sammi w/ chips and pickle. Left there at cluse and went to the bar for a beer and a Makers. Read another couple of chapters and caught up with a couple friends. Now, gonna do a DoorDash order and hit the sack.
    I am gonna layer up and go to the diner. I expect it to be colder on the way home, it's 14F now. But I am gonna hit the road. Just need to put on my coat and my boots and I am outta here! Oh, don't forget the book is coming with me!! LOL
    I worked a shift today and have tomorrow off. 56 hours 5 days, this week. Next week another 56 hours but, in 4 days. Sat 12, Sun 12, Mon 16 and Tues. 16. Wed is my Birthday and I bought a Ticket to the MN Wild game, we play the Florida Panthers. Should be a good one!
    Tomorrow afternoon, I am going to the Diner. My favorite waitress won't be there but, I missed my normal stop there today, because of work. I wanted to go yesterday but, as I said earlier, I was too worn out after the overnight shift. I feel alright now but, I am gonna hit the sack soon. Good Night TPU!
    I went with Plan B. Stay in, do some laundry and watch Youtube. I am still going to do my best to stay awake until 11, or so. That part is still on. Just doing it without caffeine and without the half mile, one way, walk in the cold. Avoiding the cold, right now, was probably for the best.
    Tired AND Cold? Not healthy in my book, I needed the laundry done, I have a few things to eat, save the money, stay in the warm apt. It is currently all of 3 F right now. Couple days ago it was 40F, that's a recipe for failing health. Been there done that, didn't like it.I can't just sit at a desk and suffer through it, since my job entails different needs. Like walking and standing and dealing with ornery idiots.
    It sucks on a different level to be sporting a cold and having to wrestle some idiot out the door. I am already weakened by lack of sleep, I don't need to pile on the ailments, LOL. So, a quiet time at home is just fine, right now.
    After Monday's stupidity, Tuesday was uneventful. Spent my shift in Control, training Sandy, I get the feeling she is not going to work out for us, various reasons, one being she does not pay attention. Anywho, one of our night guys had car trouble and could not make it in. My LT. spend over an hour calling for a replacement and I had to stay, overnight.
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    As one can imagine, I am beat. the rundown as to why? Sat 12 hour shift, Sun. 12, Mon. 8 and Tues. 16. 48 hours in a 4 day period, plus I took a shift Thursday. Paycheck will be fine but, my sleep and my sleep schedule are now all effed up! I slept for 3 and a half hours, when I got home. Now I am going to try and force myself to stay up until 11 or 12 tonight.
    I should be ready, more than ready, to sleep then. Not sure how it will play out. I am gonna try to force a reset by attempting to stay up until my normal bedtime. I am going to check my funds and possibly go to the diner today, since I am working tomorrow. That should give me something to do for a few hours. OK, Plan A. Wish me luck!!
    Work was rather shitty. Had to boot 4 people then get physical with some idiot that was told to leave 3 times earlier today. Ended up getting the MPD involved before he would leave, which was a good thing because I was at my limit with this shitbird and was gonna take him down a put the bracelets on.
    Oh course he changed his attitude when that happened. But even the cop caught on to his fake story, since he couldn't keep it straight. Cop told him he wasn't staying here, the Hotel, tonight and had to move on and make some other plan. He left in a hissy fit calling me all sorts of names, as is on par for these butthurt crazies that can't get their way. It's not even a Full Moon for 2 more days!
    :shadedshu: some people insist on being jerks...

    I don't have the temperament for security. I'm glad there are folks like you that do.
    I am gonna ice up my back, I've been meaning to get to the chiropractor, for over a week! Pushing this Dip around didn't help. Plus the bus ride home just stiffend it up. So, Ice, Youtube and bed. Good Night TPU, Hopefully Tues. will be a bit better? LOL. :ohwell:
    Ok I am all set to go to the Diner, although I still need a shave. After the quick facial hair mod, I will be on my way, into the cold afternoon, 20F, for a brisk walk to my fav spot. Plus, I got 3 new books delivered last week! I am set for a spell! Which is good, in my world! LOL.
    My paycheck was a day late. Why do YOU think it was late? Anyway, I'm not late on Rent, which is kinda a big deal, but I missed my weekly DoorDash, because I was not sure when I would be paid, Meaning I am going to run out of bottled water. which sucks, because I will have to buy some water at Walgreens prices and whatever they happen to have stocked...:shadedshu:
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    I swear I don't mean to bitch on here, I have to be more mindful, it's Winter I am already going nuts! It's only been cold for 2 weeks, and I am already consciously aware of my head space, sad. I am hoping they open the ice rink, down the street. they haven't had it up since 2019. I hope I remember how to skate!!
    Anyway, time for bed, another 12 after wakeup! Good Night TPU!!
    Off to bed. It's been a crappy day. Today was Pay Day, not for me!! Some others on my crew got paid, not me! This fricking company is so full of crap, we were told there was a glitch in the pay system, but all moneys have been directed to us and that the posting of our pay is up to the bank we have. BS at it's stupidest. I am so ready to get a lawyer and sue this fricking company.
    I picked up a shift on Wednesday, it'll be overtime for 8 hours. So, that means I will be up late tomorrow evening bringing boxes down for recycling, I have to break them down first and then tie them with some twine, so I can bring multiple boxes at once. Then get up early Thursday, shower and get ready for Thanksgiving with my Sister and Brother.
    Anyway, I could use the extra money and sleep is overrated. LOL. I'll get some extra rest on Friday, I hope.
    Last 3 Saturdays I've been doing overtime, not mandatory but it was there
    One more day of work. I found out today, that I have Thanksgiving off! That's 2 out 5 times I have had it off. Anyway, I am going to play some Raid, watch some Youtube then off to bed. Good Night TPU!!
    I am off to work, I have to man the control room, since we are short handed, again. Oh well, it is what it is, I guess, not a lot I can do about it. I am not in charge of hiring. Anyway, it's a cold one today, 31 F now and going into the teens, later. Got to make sure I have my hat!! LOL
    Wednesday was a weird one. In my last post I wrote that I was going to eat a pizza and go to bed. what actually happened is, I stayed up until 5 am, did not eat a pizza and woke up at 7:30 am. I went and got a coffee and my package. Stayed awake until 1 pm and took a nap. woke up at 4, got dressed, again, and went to the store and to the bank and to the Post office.
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    Store went well, Bank was closed and the Post office had 2 packages. I ambled home, opened the packages, ate the pizza ( that was previously planned) and had a 2 fingered drink of tequila ( it has been sitting in the cupboard in a corked bottle with a charred oak piece in it, for I don't know how long. It was good). Around 9 pm...
    I was falling asleep in my chair, I was playing RAID and woke up several times to the battle being over, start another and wake up to it being over. I shut down the computer and went to bed. Slept straight through to 10 am! on a normal night, I am up 2 to 3 times to pee. Last night, 12 plus hours, did not get up at all! It was the most rest and the best rest I have had in years! I feel great!
    I am ready for today! I am going to get to the bank, I have a check to deposit ( $20 the parking ramp sent me, since my motorcycle is in storage until spring, for the damage deposit), I am gonna go to the diner, I have 2 NEW books, now, to read. Then tonight, I will start some laundry and continue it on Friday. Then Saturday it all starts over.
    Work week is done, I hope. Just got home and I am going to cook a pizza, watch some YT and then go to bed. I have to get up in the morning and retrieve a package from the Amazon Box at the Hotel, down the street. So, a relatively early bedtime for a Tuesday night So, this is Goodnight TPU! Until then...
    Gonna get ready to roll! Going to the local diner, again (Thursday ritual). I need to get ready, shower, shave and such. I might bring a second book to read, I think I might be near the end of the one I was reading. Either way I am going to get at it, Now!! :toast:
    If you see a pretty girl, put the dang book down and go talk to her. You might have fun.
    The only pretty woman around that diner is the waitress, she's happily married and has grandkids, now. We flirt a bit but it all in good fun. Plus, I am mostly fed up with women, nowadays most of them are thinking they're all that and the kitchen sink. I have no time for women that aren't gonna be on my team.
    Just sayin. You can't find her if you don't look. I been reading your posts for a bit. You sound like a man that could use a bit of fun. Wine, women, and song are a pretty good start. You do your thing.
    Lazy day today, so far. I am now going to get dressed and go to the store, maybe stop at the coffee shop and then, IDK. Probably fix something to eat and maybe clean a little, do a load, or two, of laundry...nothing to special or strenuous.
    Gotta get ready for another shift, then hopefully some time off. Not sure what the rest of the week looks like but, that's ok, I'll figure something out! LOL!
    My Veterans Day was spent working, again. Maybe, someday, I will have a Vets Day off (while not working for a bank). Being a Vet, I would like the day off but I also need to keep my current job and not call in sick just because I want to, I am speaking to a coworker when I say that. Anyway, Good Night TPU!
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