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  • Just got home from work, uneventful, where I watched the finals of the MN State High School Hockey tournament. Both games were great, single a and double a. Both were nail biters to the end. First game went to overtime, single A, and the second game was 7 to 6!! The Double A game was won by Moorhead, they have come second 8 times!
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    One of the Best finals day, EVER! The only time I was more excited was in '76. That year my school, Richfield, went to the Finals. They lost to Grand Rapids. It was the second GR's Championship, in a row. A mighty achievement, that is very hard to do. Anyways, it is time for bed. Good Night TPU!!
    Day 2, in the books.....Good Night TPU! BTW, I am feeling much better. I have burned through, whatever I had, and I am feeling fine. Good Night TPU! :sleep:
    I went to the VA this morning. I have been very short of breath, and feeling weak, since my debilitating Flu ended. It's going on 2 weeks, now, that I have been feeling this way. I got there just before 11 am. got my vitals checked around 12:30. At 1:50 I still hadn't been called so, I checked out to go to work.
    Went to the Chiropractor this morning. My neck had been bothering me, and I could not get it unstuck. It was a mildly painful adjustment, but it is worlds better. Hopefully it stays free and I won't have to return anytime soon. But, once in a while it will take a couple adjustments to get things right. Anyway, got some food delivered today, also. So I am all set for the week ahead, Good Night TPU!!
    Had a 16 hour day, yesterday, slept a straight 6 1/2 hours, before I had to get up and pee. Then slept another 2 1/2 hours. That 6, plus, stint was a long one! I am usually up every 2 to 3 hours for a bathroom break. Anyhow, feel good now and only have 1 more 8 hour shift, today. That 8 hours of overtime will be nice.
    Well it's a cold and windy day today!! Wind gusts up to 40 mph with wind chills below zero. I am gonna get layered up and hit the cafe, but, I will probably not walk there. I can take the train, one stop, and it drops me 2 1/2 blocks away. Rather than an uphill walk for a 1/2 mile, downtown, where the 40 mph wind can be magnified by the buildings creating a venturi effect.
    Yeah, really not in the mood for frostbite, today. Or, ever, really! LOL. I might walk home because the wind is supposed to calm down, later ( place shuts at 8). We'll see how it goes. Ok, off to get ready, wish me luck!
    It's weird today. I got Tuesday off, long story, so today feels like Thursday. Even though it's Wednesday. I'll get over it. Anyway, I think I'll do some laundry. Maybe take the trash out. I'm toying with the idea of walking down to the Liquor store...maybe grab a jar of Hooch and get 3 sheets to the wind. Eat a pizza and get the bed spins, later! LOL
    Or, I might just put my robe on, do some laundry, and open up a bottle of wine . Enjoy a few glasses while youtubing between loads. IDK, Laundry, yes...anything else? TBD. :cool:
    I had a nice couple of days off. Now, it's off to bed so I can start my work week again. Good Night TPU!
    OK so, typical winter Wednesday. Slept in, sat around, watched some YT, ate a frozen pizza and did nothing productive, except relax and stay warm. Now, I am doing to bed. Tomorrow, off to the diner with my book.
    Good Night TPU. :lovetpu: :sleep:
    Took a Lyft home. Got home, no keys. Called work, yep I left them in the office. Took a lyft back to work. Got my keys. Took a lyft home. All told, with Tips, $68. Kind of an expensive ride home. On the other hand, I could have easily spent as much in the bar.
    I normally do a pat down also, and I did do one but, went of the plan a bit running to the bathroom and back. Left my keys in the door to my office, coming back to pick up my hat, that I had left in there...walked away. :rolleyes: I did this once before, when I was working a ton of overtime and no sleep. Hopefully I have learned my lesson, AGAIN!!! LOL
    BTW, I have made it this far through January, not gonna give in so easily.
    Count von Schwalbe
    Count von Schwalbe
    More power to you. Keep up the good work.
    Heading off to work, got a shift in Control. So, I'm bringing a book and some extra snacks to make it through 8 hours in one room. Should be ok, especially since the new trainee won't be in there, she trained today on 1st shift. She and I don't get along all that great, especially stuck in a room together. I'm me and she has an issue with it, she'll get over it, in time.:roll:
    Yesterday, Thurs. I managed to make it to the Diner. I think it has been 2 weeks since I felt well enough to do that. Started a new book, Metro 2033. It's the story that inspired the Cyber Punk video games. So far so good, I took a picture of the map, inside the cover. I spent some time studying it, to make some sense of the story.
    Now, when they mention a different "Station" I have an idea of where they are talking about (or I can find it on my phone by enlarging the picture I took). Anyway, it appears to be a story with a lot of twists and characters, and that is just the first few chapters!
    I feel a lot better now, finally! Yesterday I felt hungry for the first time since I got sick and ordered a medium pizza and chowed it down at work. I still get the sniffles when I am outside but, that is completely normal for this kind of weather. My energy is up, probably around 70%, which is good. I am hoping that is that!
    Made it through the weekend of 12's now on to the 2 8's and I hope to be done for the week! Yea!
    I made through the first of 2 12 hour shifts. Only coughed a couple times and felt good but, still no energy. I HOPE THAT CHANGES SOON, IT SUCKS BEING WORN OUT, ALL THE TIME!
    Ok, I made to the smoke shop, for my weekly 2 packs of smokes. I then walked another 3 blocks back to Starbucks for some caffeine. Hoping it will help. I was planning to hit the P.O. Box but, the coffee brought on a bathroom break, so I stopped back here for that. Now, gonna finish the coffee then suit back up and hit the Post office.
    While I'm here I think I will rotate the laundry, may as well have it going while I am out running around. What's the saying 2 birds, one stone? LOL
    Got to the post office and picked up my mail. Now, I need to rest a bit then, off to the store for TP and maybe something to snack on. I have 2 hours before they close...I hope I can get enough gumption to re-enter the cold. It's currently 13 F (-10 C) w/ a Wind chill of 4 F (-15 C). It's been taking its toll on me, sapping my energy.
    Today is going to be a git'er done day! I have laundry to do, TP needs to be bought and I need to visit my P.O.Box. So, I took a DayQuil and my Vitamins, gonna eat a Snickers I had in my backpack, Shower and then hit the door. However, I need to wait for the first wash to finish, before the shower thing. Shouldn't be much longer...
    Well, another mellow day. I was contemplating going to the Diner but, didn't. Just didn't find the energy to go.. I had a Chicken Pot Pie and some water and now, I am off to bed, again. Hopefully, I feel even a little better in the morning. Good Night TPU!! :sleep:
    Well, I did not leave the apartment today. Just sat around, doing a lot of nothing. I did pay Rent but, accomplished very little else. Oh well, still a good day. I am gonna watch a little Youtube then, hit the sack early. Perhaps wake up before noon, again.
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    Downtime is good time. Even if it isn't very productive and caused by a cold. Sinus infections literally leave me bed ridden due to how my body reacts to them so I get how you feel.
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    Update: Woke up this morning and was not completely congested! I still had a coughing fit, a couple minutes ago but, not so bad as before. Seems the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching. Yea! Not quite 100% energy level but, much better than, even Yesterday, which was pretty good. I might even leave the apartment today!! LOL, I don't need to but, I might anyway!
    Made through Monday, had to sit in Control tonight...gave my boss a night off. Tomorrow New Years Eve, the Hotel is hosting a party on the 50th Floor. Supposed to be close to 1100 people there! Last year they hired there own Security, on our advice, but, they never showed up. We called in one of our guys to go up there and our company didn't pay him for 6 months!
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    Hopefully, they get it all squared away, this time (unlikely, since the Hotel Staff is what they are). Anyway, I am prepared for the worst and hoping for the best. All I can do at this point. I just wish I could lose this nagging Cold! The waves of misery are lessening but, they are no less debilitating! Plus my energy is still not 100%, yet.
    I've been pumping my vitamins and drinking Vitamin C drinks...They make me feel better but then I go through these 20 min. + coughing fits and stuffiness that is just grueling. Like I said, I'm down to 2 or three a day but, it takes a lot out of me. I am washing my hands and sanitizing them all day, I have to use lotion when I get home at night, since they're so dried out!
    I need some rest so, Good Night TPU!!
    I am pissed at DoorDash. Each week I order some water for the week. I also order a few other things in order to get a deal on the delivery fees, and such. Guess what I did not get in my delivery? The Water, the only thing I really wanted. They could have effed up anything in my order, I would not have cared. But they effed up the Water!!
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    Sure, they give me a credit for the cost of the water. Fine but, now I have to pay extra fees for the water, or buy more crap I don't need to skip the fees. Either way, I am paying twice as much for the water that they effed up on!! Essentially, I am paying them extra to eff up my order!! How is that even sensical? Somebody tell me how I am wrong?
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