Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. It was quite an effort to compose, believe me!
Well, it did take a pretty long time to compose it because there were a lot of thoughts to collect together and make cohesive.
Indeed, Kudus for that. Above all I appriciate a well thought read.
I worked for years at Tiger Direct. I know EXACTLY how people NEED to shop because I know the tricks that are played on them. Clearly, you've never worked in the industry because you're using the layman's "infinite reasons for buying" argument which falls completely flat when addressing why people buy video cards. You might want to re-read what you quoted because I began each explanation with "If you're ONLY a gamer" (without the caps) which means that I was excluding people who wanted the cards for any combination of gaming and content creation or professional workloads. If you had paid attention, you would've seen that and wouldn't have responded as you have.
I didn't mean for people who do other than gaming. My write is about those who mainly or only game.
Arrogant people don't publicly admonish themselves. That's another lesson for you.
And yet, to say conclusively without any dubet that YOU know exactly what every consumer NEED to purches is imo arrogance because you can't positively know for sure each one resones.
You might give yourself more credibility by publicly admonishing themselves but the bold statment is very patronising. Knowing every trick NV\AMD play on them don't grant you insights to everyone souls. Thinking you do is beyound aroggance. Do you really think you know every person so well as to dictate for him what`s best for him?
Except that if your experience is not improved by spending more money, then spending more money is plain stupid. If you were to buy an RX 6900 XT, then your gaming experience wouldn't be discernably better than if you were to buy an RX 6800 XT. If you can play your games maxxed-out at 4K, then there's not going to be an objective difference. When I worked at TD, I used to have people come in and ONLY want a GTX 280. It was quite obvious that they were immature egomaniacs who lived at home and so didn't pay rent. That kind of mentality generally disappears as you become a man unless there's something wrong with you because being a grownup means becoming more objective and reasonable. These are assets when it comes to decision-making and thus assets to survival. The people who never seem to develop these assets are usually just too stupid to be able to.
I think you are too quickly to mark people as stupid if they don`t fallow to what you think is right for them\your logic. If they saved the money (a good quality by itself- to save for something), prioritize on PC components and in general in there life, knowing they pay extra to get a only small bump in fps and still decide they want to spend it that way I don't see any reason to convince them otherwise (unless they pay the extra in order to support"" the company- with that I dont agree at all)
I`m sure and agree that many don`t do that proper thinking before buying, but that their lesson to learn and not your to decided. Maybe your long experience with many snout childish (or adult) tinted you a bit to think everyone are like so you somehow try to control\save the irrationality of all humanity (read gamer comunity). No point going that road.
Again, you do realise that I admonished myself, right? I don't know what kind of gaslighting you're trying to do here but I INCLUDED MYSELF in the post. You clearly do more than skim over the whole thing and that has been demonstrated repeatedly by your response.
I don`t think that admonishing yourself give you the moral justice to do it to others. I guess you are free to do it to yourself, but using that to direct it that to others is not cool.
You do realise that the market is morbidly close to collapsing into a monopoly, right? No, I guess you don't. The GPU market has never been more in danger of losing a major player than it is right now. What's really ominous is that this has happened despite the fact that Radeon hasn't been this competitive with GeForce since 2015 with the R9 Fury. People can no longer say "If AMD would only..." because AMD already HAS "only..." and it made absolutely no difference. In fact, nVidia's market domination accelerated during the RX 6000 / RTX 30 years! It honestly looks like you're going to have the choice between broken Intel ARC (if Intel decides to stick around) or GeForce cards priced into the stratosphere.
I think you are over reacting with that morbidly of AMD disappearing (thay have good product at various market segments including consumers GPU to keep them going IF they are serious about that, just like Intel with ARC) and too afraid of monopoly (that is in the contaxt of GPU`s as recreational gaming tool, not as a general rule about monopoly).
I sound that your honest concern drive you to, imo, thing the wrong way how to fix this problem (AMD to quit consumers GPU). Favoring a company in the magnitude of AMD (a giant worldwide corporation that is listed on to of NASDAQ, just like NV and Intel) is a futile thing to do. They are no a charity case as let`s say a local ice cream maker you want to help by favoring them and not Nestle ice cream for example. They will and are using your sens of 'let`s help the underdog before it collapse' to exploit you on the exactly. Do favor AMD
if their product is right for you personaly from a selfish perspective with equal or better price but not in any case and not if the rival has a product that is better for you and\or cost less.
Ordinarily yes, but, not in a duopoly. Duopolies aren't very stable and AMD has given nVidia the fiercest competition that nVidia has seen since 2015 and not only has it not helped to balance the market, nVidia's domination accelerated. So, reality has proven your words false.
Be that as it may, It doesn't matter imo. If AMD can`t pull it off in the long run than according to the market we are in make it sonner than later. Don't try to postpone the inevitable. All your good will will not be enught to keep them aflot if they can`t come up with a winner GPU producet for so long, and do note that that has done so with ZEN, so no fundamental problem here.
If their best is not enough in the GPU department then close it off and have someone else try- these are the ruls of the market, or do you wnat to chang it also?
I think they are in much better place than you try to depict and don`t agree we are on a road to monopol- the other way around- AND will stay and Intel will join.
Anyway, non of that is a reason to choose other then what`s best for me personally.
Moreover, choosing a product that is not the best for you out of the idia you will help (to a company in the magnitude of AMD) will only lead to the opposit in the long run and might leave you heartbroken. You so cold support on a cheraty base will enable them to keep the same direction for longer. The real force for dramatic change in those level of business is losing money and tipping them off to postpone the collaps will only prospon a change, a change that can lead them to make a product thay will seing the market. Thay prove thay can, as I said. with ZEN.
And you call me naive? Look, I don't care if you don't blame them because you're still dead-wrong. If the only people who bought these insanely-priced cards were those who needed them, like how it was mostly rich people and prosumers who bought Titan cards, then we wouldn't be here because there aren't enough of them to make the impact that has been felt. Insanely-priced Titans existed back in the days of normal gaming GPU pricing. Only gamers are numerous enough for that and it is they who have made this impact.
Most of us gamers don`t really need 1/10 of what we got. But still we want it. Do you try to battel that 'I want it" need? really?
And no, I don`t think that the gamer's community shape the face of the market. We are but small-medium segment who enjoy the fruit of a much larger lucrative professional segments. It is on none-of us soldiers to re-shape the market and trying so will lead to unnecessary frustration.
I do in favor of helping people to make more conscious decision regarding what hardware do they really need, but blaming them of put them as idiots isn't the way to go imo. So if anything, you perpetuate the current situation by insulting.
Once again, your insistence on ignoring the words used invalidates your response. The words "If you're only a gamer" has this section of your post nullified before you typed it so you completely wasted your effort.
I stand by it even if your sole purpose is to game all day and night, as it was by my original intention.
I don't remember saying that I care what you reject. I DO remember saying that I don't care if you don't like it because it's still the truth. You don't seem to want it to be the truth, but that changes absolutely nothing.
Your clearly don`t care, but your so called undisputable truth is only derived ,as I see it, from a narrow frustration\concern point view on the current situation. You basically say no one can complain about anything if he make a choice about any matter. I profoundly disagree. You don't care, but you care a lot to say it in length. And you keep on self contradicting yourself by complaining about how everyone are so stupid, but you also made a choice, hence you are forbidden to make complaints. And you are aware of that, but keep on doing so. (Or maybe I didn't understand you on that one...I do make mistakes, not rare thing)
- If you want Radeon to get better, stop buying nVidia cards because magic doesn't actually exist and they need money to do so.
Profoundly disagree- Supporting AMD blindly as you suggest will make NV even stronger or in the long shoot something changes you will see AMD turning into NV very quickly (see ZEN3 amd ZEN 4 case study)- If you're mad at something that nVidia did but bought a GeForce card anyway, you are your own worst enemy. Rulling out NV as an option
might leave you with a lesser option and\or at higher cost for what is best for you. Plus, you will pay for the hope to see a change and only get upset in return for that money after the chage, if any, will not metirealis the way you hoped for. So a part of your pay will go on the promise of a better future for GPU`s. Are you OK with that?Hopes and promises in the hand of a giant global company? no thank you- that a very bad advice to give. They will get money by making the better product that suits most, not by charity support.
- If nVidia does something you don't like but you have a Radeon card, you have no right to complain. All you can do is say "I ain't buying nVidia."
You have every right to complain and thinking you shulden`t show how fustreated you are. No complain dogma don't mix well will worldwide forums, so what are you doing here?
Also, denying the right to complain is an easy way to block any sort of unpleasant feelings associated with the cause of complaint. Are you in favor of that also?
- If you're "unsatisfied" with something that AMD does but you have a GeForce card, you still have no right to complain because you gave your money to nVidia, the company that already owns the market. You didn't try to make a positive difference when you had the chance so who cares what you think? It's like listening to a four year-old crying about the fact that he tripped on his laces but refuses to tie his shoes. It's just stupid.
No reason not to complain about a choice you made- it actually very important part of not making that bad choise again. How can you be better or learn anything otherwise?
Who is the stupid one- he who wrong, compalin (part of a process of understanding what was wrong) and than change or he who stay the same no matter what happend around him?
You're dead wrong. We are in COMPLETE control of the market because video cards are not a NEED. Every time a card gets sold, it is because a consumer CHOSE to purchase it. If you don't buy a video card, you don't get sick or die. The only markets that can control us are FOOD, MEDICINE, CLOTHING and SHELTER which is why those markets are the most heavily regulated. Everything else is just a want, a luxury. EVERY purchase you make that doesn't involve one of those four is based on self-control, period. Most people automatically know that so welcome to the human condition. Talk about crying about first-world problems, eh?
Nop, gaming is a much is a needed thing for some people. It is a kind of escapism, and there is may to escap from nowdays. It also take care of many social needs and other besic non materialistic needs. Maybe it`s the root cuse of your view of things. Trying to dis-associate that need within people and disregarding it as something you can do without is fundamentally misunderstanding of heumen beings.
Those needs come shortly after water, food and shelter. Denying that from people will lead to very bad outcomes if not treated carefully.
Although plausible, It is very very very far from fasiable to be in COMPLETE control of the market unless you are in COMPLETE control over all gamers alike. Dose anyone have that magnitude of control?
I don`t think so...
It's only unrealistic because people don't have self-control. I admitted that I myself was also unable to control myself so I speak from experience.
Yey, people tend to not to have unlimited self control (not few have very limited when it come to GPU purchase) and many lack patiance, cus` we are just heumens man. Don't be so harsh on yourself for that. Trying to control THAT human trait with force is futile as it can be.
Sure, and completely ignore any possible negative impact that it might have on the industry and market as a whole. That might work in a typical market but video cards have been, until this year, a duopoly. A duopoly is a terrible thing because it's extremely unstable. If one competitor fails, then ALL consumers lose and there's no going back.
We part by the notion that an individual has responsibility other than chooing what is best for him (that is to learn, hear different opinions and than decide if and what to buy). In the capitalist market we are in you are better off with trying to saving or direct it in any way. Much larger forcec will smash you to piece. We might want it to be different, but It doesn`t change the fact that it`s not the way things are.
A whopping 88% of the video cards that people currently own are nVidia cards. Fact-check that if you like, I don't make things up. If recent trends don't change, you won't have to worry about shopping colour-blindly because there will only be ONE colour left and that ONE colour will smile as you pay $3,000USD for a mid-tier video card before 2030. You have to imagine that AMD is already wondering if making Radeon cards is worth it because your "colour-blind" shopping doesn't actually exist. The vast majority of people who buy video cards If you buy a Radeon today, you'll still be able to buy a GeForce tomorrow.
I belive you about that 88%, but I don`t see how we are falling into monopole anytime soon and even if we do, that doesn't desire me one bit. I know I will be able to adjust myself accordingly, as do everyone else.
To shop "colour-blind" is the single most best thing AMD can have now, as they do have very good product to offer. Maybe it`s not the current way of people to shop, but if anything that`s what can "save" AMD (if anyone think thay need any saving at all).
But please don`t choose AMD out of pity or out of concern to the fragile duopoly market. Those arguments sound much like the RT argument or the redeon driver argument for not going AMD. They are acctually even more "coupons from the thin air". That way of thinking about cheerleading AMD\ruling out NV, besides not helping AMD in the long run, might lead you to choose wrongly in other areas on life. So even if you do choose to only go AMD, to check from time to time that it doesn't reach to other aspect of your life or you will wrongly choose over and over again.
Choose AMD if it`s the right product for you right now and leave brand loyalty consideration to places where it does matter.