Just finished the Infinite Warfare, and seriously, now I can completelly understand why people are hating COD games by now. Ridiculous short campaign - I mean seriously, after I finish it, I just felt like I've been playing the Introduction only... I mean, wth!! Also, this game has no soul in it! I mean it. The characters in this game have such a huge potentials, being good actors and all, however, the missions are flat, you don't get any connection with other characters, except maybe a little for the robot, but that's about it. Also the Infinite Warfare is a very interesting Universe, but ridiculously underused with crappy, flat missions...
Also, why almost all missions from COD have to be suicide missions?? I mean, wth, really, there is no proper planning??? WTF ALL main characters have to die in the end? Wth is this shit???
On a plus side, the graphics is superb, the AA is perfect, sound effects too. The worlds are very beautiful designed, zero complains here. They should give a bonus to the art director, but a kick in the arse to the overall game director, for a very flat game experience and ridiculously short campaign.