This is how every appreciating asset works.
At least the majority of traditional investments have a product and utility. This has nothing but waste and predation. Meme investors don't care about fundamentals. With a traditional investment, you are betting that the company or product will succeed and there are complex and unpredictable external forces. With this ponzi scheme, it is as simple as hoping others buy it so your value goes up, and selling at the right time.
When a recession hits, this failed 'currency' will crash as people try to get money to cover their other debts/needs. The dream was for this currency to stand on its own, but it failed its goals long ago. Don't buy high. You only make or lose money when you hit the sell button. Now is a great time to hit that sell button; when you have the luxury of choice. You can't always afford to wait out until the next peak.
This is a great time to buy land and equipment. Start raising livestock, chickens, and start a garden. Or wait until a recession with that cash already in hand.
Not only is it good for you, appreciating land is a value that appreciates.
With short-sighted predatory meme investments leveraging debt, inflationary policy (reducing labor force, laying off with pay a huge number of people, tariffs raising prices and only sending production to a different non-us country), reducing regulation helping businesses and hurting people (how'd fast construction work out in china?), empty corporate office debt boiling over, and banks selling their risk to people, it's only a matter of time before things go bad. Almost any reasonable investor can see that the economy has been unreasonable for a long time, and is due a correction. You see P/E ratios of big companies in people's 401ks up at 50, and others planning for them to go to 100, you know things are bad.
A recession could start within the next 3 to 6 months, but definitely within the next 10 years. Ignore hype and do what makes sense, while you have a choice. No one has your interest in mind. Everything looks like it is shooting up right now, but it is all very unstable and only one question-mark away from falling. The strongest voices of hope are proven liars. Do what is good for you.
I get what you're trying to say but what the eff is this
It's an anti-ponzi statement. Ponzi deniers are bulls about going to the moon. They have the opinion that growth is inevitable and everyone has the chance to make money. They don't see themselves as stepping on the heads of those who come after them and prop them up, but the truth is that there is never enough room at the top. To blow their mind, if they believe that everyone can make money, you have to show them that this is really an adversarial market that they are engaged with; because if they mutually succeed they all mutually fail due to inflation. They aren't succeeding together, they are predators who bought in and are looking for other buyers to benefit them. They are all playing a betting game about going in and going out at the right time. It's a meaningless tulip market that has already grown way too much. The tulips aren't what they want in the end, and they will happily swap them back for what they really want, just like any other ponzi scheme. Bitcoin had promise, but it failed long ago. Other factors are already in place to make it crumble. Ponzi schemes always make sense at first, but always fail eventually. Push it to the extreme, and it fails. There is nothing different between this and any other ponzi scheme, so push it to the extreme to prove your point.