Expanding on your explination, I think the word "hype" is over used and mostly not even in the right context; as it seems people get "hyped" about a specific facet of "a/the" game. I don't think I was let down by the game because I was excited for the "game" I did not focus on the anticipation of "character creation", "cars", "cyberware" its when you dive into specifics I feel you expand the surface area in which you can be hit with dissapointment.
That's fair. FWIW there are a whole lot of things I think could be much better. The kind of stuff that can't be conveyed in marketing one way or another. The game has nitty-gritty problems, beyond simple bug fixes. Various mechanics need a lot of refining, too. It's a bummer, because we all know they can do better.
IF anything I am more dissapointed, this thread turned into more links and screen shots of media outlets bashing it than any actual gameplay. I was interested in what people did with the game first hand.
If I wanted someones BS opinion on it, id go read metacritic or some other toxic outlet filled with nobodys like the steam/gog rating systems.
Guilty as charged. But I might add that you can't expect less, given the level of anticipation and... what ultimately came of it. It's the hot thing to do right now. That will fade eventually and the only people left caring about the game will be the ones still playing it. But right now it's one of those things you kinda can't avoid. I think it will run its course soon enough. Sometimes I think it's just been such a shitty year, people are almost itching for something else to dial-in on... something lower stakes in their own lives. And this was it.
Gimme some time and I'll have something more interesting to say about builds.
My Christmas ducks are lined up and I'm officially on vacation. Right now I'm playing a katana/mantis character with no body spec, reflex as primary, and cool as secondary. No hacking, stealth, tech, crafting. Only times I'll take specs in those is if I see a cybernetic that benefits my build and I need the spec to use it. Otherwise, just pure speed, armor buffs, and crit boosts. Stacked AND chained buffs all around. The idea is to surge into groups out of nowhere and massacre anybody. Be so quick I can literally b-line from one end of the city to the other on foot, wrecking any unfortunate baddies in my path in a matter of seconds and never getting hit.
Shouldn't work but I think it actually is working already, at level 12. Plan on trying lotsa weird stuff that will probably require spoiler tags. Rather talk about that than anything to do with the media frenzy, but it'll take many more hours playing to put my money where my mouth is.