Total nonsense. Vehicle A.I. will NEVER be as good an experienced, well trained driver.
Total nonsense to say that it is total nonsense. (yes really)
First: I said statistically (which does not say anything about top 5% high/low performers. That said; the best driver in the world will be inferior to and autonomous car in the near future say 2030/2040.
Second: I will recommend you to start preparing your understanding of the world. "AI" / computercalculation based of of machinelearning and logic, will and is in many instances better than humans. If you look at the reasons for accidents: driving under influence, lack of focus, reactiontime / wrong pattern assumption. In all these areas computer already excels. "AI" right now need to understand situations; WHEN (and this is sooner than later) it understands contexts it will be statistically irresposible to drive a car yourself. You can look at incident rates for AI and for humans and the cause for these crashes. In other words; back up your claims unless you want to look like a mad trucker throwing pushes in the air
The biggest challenge about selfdriving cars is the ethical negotiation concerning having a piece of software being responsible for something so vital. (eventhough it outperforms us humans)
Get info on automated driving systems, also referred to as automated vehicles and "self-driving" cars, and learn about their safety potential.
I can't argue with that, as the average road user think they are good drivers , and a survey will tell you every driver thinks 90% of other drivers are useless drivers.
The problem is many don't know the road rules or only follow them when they want to, or are just inconsiderate.
Self driving cars will alleviate those issues, unfortunately a blanket rule to compensate for idiots means the few that can drive will have that fun taken away from them.
I spoke to Ted Selker (former 'inventor' for IBM), and on of his big concerns was the users lack of focus when driving. (which is on of the main reasons for accidents). So in a nutshell as you write; even the most experienced driver looses focus where a computer does not flicker; A computer if coded correctly will always default to safemode in any incident that is not 100% understood. Again people tend to think they understand a complex situation, but lack the forseight, reaction and selfcritism to stop before an incident occure! :0 (Apologies for typo´s)
That was debunked, and almost an outright lie, on Tesla's webpage you'll find a '*' next to that claim and have to dig a bit depending on the model you are looking at, they don't obscure this detail on pages for the cheaper models. But they don't count rolloff/rollout in their 0-60 time. Mathematically, the most significant part in a 0-60 time as it is the longest unit time per distance in that measurement. i.o.w. they get a period of free travel before the clock actually starts.
Accepted that the number is a marketing gimmick (The roadster claimed the same). My argument is that the car has not dropped being a really fast and from an electrical efficientcy point of view, a cutting edge car, and replaced it with gaming capabilities

It is possible to develop a good car that ALSO have a nice entertainment system with on having to suffer! (The title of the story does not represent the whole presentation), and thus the techpowerup users is overreacting to the PS5 part in my opinion
That's what hand-helds are for. Game consoles DON'T need to be installed in the vehicle.
I dont think you understand; Marketing it as gaming capable will sell cars to. Having a larger screen sells and does have uses, be it gaming or media. The screen working as a screen to handle streamed input is smart. The challeges with handing a smartphone over to your child to view content is in the backseat has alot of challenges (trust me)
1. be able to skip commercials / other starting
2. pick up the phone when dropped
3. change back to correct media when fingers have accidentally pushed something
4. Controlling the media they are consuming etc.
In other words: To a person buying a car in the Tesla plaid class, there is alot of benifits of having an entertainment system that you can control in the front. The pricebump is in the whole irrelevant to the buyer which have money enough
Also remember that the computer is already there to handle the systems (non-critical)-UI. Allowing the user to utilize the GPU for gaming, makes sense (so the 200 dollars price bump is justified to both tesla and the buyer.