This started with stress testing at stock.
1. How do you want to define stability? Clocks - again, especially if we are talking about running things at stock - are only one part of the problem. And the frequency range is guaranteed in spec. Limits are a much bigger problem, especially with GPUs.
2. Without OC - and going beyond the spec - you are likely to test a contemporary CPU at hundreds of MHz less than maximum boost. It will run into power limit.
There is no such thing as guaranteed clock speed for a GPU. Has not been for years.
When I play games, my GPU frequency is anywhere between about 1820 to 2040 MHz. Clock depend on how much power GPU/card pulls (which Furmark does test) and what temperatures it gets (again, which Furmark does test). It does not test for maximum possible frequency. Or stability of that frequency in every situation. No single test does.
GPU Boost 3.0 is
stock for Nvidia cards. They get a base clock and GPU Boost does the rest - in both directions: it will also throttle if your kit gets too hot.
Every decent stress test
does test for maximum possible frequency, in fact, within the limitations of GPU Boost 3.0. A good stress test can simulate a real world load, and in those, the GPU will find equilibrium between temps, highest possible clock rate and voltage. Furmark however is not a real world load, and driver/BIOS contains flags to make sure GPU Boost 3.0
does specifically NOT what it is supposed to do. How? Simple: you get a hard lock on
voltage, one of the key variables for GPU Boost to work proper. You simply cannot use the whole clock/voltage curve that is
set at stock for these cards, regardless of temperature and regardless of actual power usage at the wall.
So while there is no guaranteed clockspeed for an Nvidia GPU, there is a guaranteed GPU Boost 3.0 behaviour, and Furmark presents a situation where that behaviour is... adjusted. It is also the
only stress test that manages to do this, its the odd one out so we can split hairs about frequency and varying clocks, but that is not the underlying cause for what you see in Furmark.