Synthetic utilities have their uses but stability testing is not one of them. For stability testing ...
a) You want realistic loads, synthetic tests are not realistic.
b) You want multitasking loads, which stress the CPU in a variety of ways
c) You want to make sure that the loads include modern instruction sets.
d) Synthetic test present unrealstic loads artificially lowering maximum sustainable OCs otherwise attainable under real world conditions.
Synthetic testing does not address all 4 and often none of the above.
Practical uses of synthetic utilities.
Prime 95 (Older non AVX versions) - We use P95 to thermally cycle the TIM 4 or 5 times (more with certain TIMs) bringing temps up to 85C or so and then letting it cool to room temperature. With some TIMs (i.e. AS), this greatly accelerates the curing process which otherwise can take 7 weeks or so (200 hours or normal usage according to AS5 manufacturer) but even with TIMs that state "no curing required", we oft do see minor improvements.
Furmark - used similar to above to cure TIM of card, with pump and rads at minimum rpm, we will run Furmark up top card's throttling point adjusting rpm as necessary to it reaches steady state condition and cycle back down as above. We then bring fan rpms up to the point where noise can be detected. Restart Furmark and starting at 100% of pump speed, will record max temp once system reaches steady state conditions. "Rinse and repeat" for 90%, 80% etc till 300%. From this data, it can quickly be determined at which point the system receives no significant benefit from additional flow (typically @ 1.25 gpm). Then with pump at a a fixed speed, the tests are repeated varying the fan rpms from 100% of full speed down to 25% . This data is used to set up the fan curves. Furmark is critical here as it maintains a constant load; using other "real world" utilities present varying loads which render any such testing useless. On our test rig for example, at 100% fan rpm we see 39C on the GPUs and while i wouldn't call the 1,230 ish rpm noisy, it is audible, At an inaudible 850 rpm, the GPU temps under Furmark are 42C. You don't get any bonus points for being 39C instead of 42C, so the max speed is set at 850... outside Furmark, we never see 40C.
For stress testing we use RoG Real Bench, a suite of 3 Real Wold programs which are all run at same time along with playing a movie for the "Heavy Multitasking" test ... it takes about 8 minutes and you will get very close to a working OC with just the 8 minute test. For final dial-ins, to insure stability I use 4 hour test but many feel that 2 hours is adequate. Temps will usually be about 10C lower than P95 and it's a given that your system will never see a load anything close to what RB provides in real world usage. Oh ... one thing worth mentioning ... have had 24 hour P95 stable OCs fail in RB.
For GPU, it's bit more cumbersome, using the 3D mark and Unigin benchmarks, you can dial things in pretty close. BE AWARE that you will almost never get the highest OCs with the highest core of memory OCs. In TPUs testing with the 2080 Tis (Micron memory) ....
They got the Zotac Amp to a core of 2,145 which netted 221.5 fps in the OC test (2000 memory)
They got the Asus Strix to a memory OC of 2,065 which netted 225.0 fps in the OC test (115 core)
However, they got the MSI Gaming X Trio to 226.6 fps in the OC test with a 2085 core and 2005 memory. My approach is to determine max stable core with memory at default and then determine max memory with core at default. Let's say that g[ves us
Default Core = 1650 / Max Core 2150
Default Memory = 1750 / Max Memory 2050
You might make a spreadsheet with Memory as the Column headings and Core in the row headings. So with 1750 in the 1st data column, 1st date row would be 1650, 2nd 1700 and so on till ya crash, 2nd column could be 1800 and again test at each +50 jump in core speed ... recording fps achieved. Usually I wind up with something like 5th row, 4th column giving the best fps results.
As for nvidia saying "don't do it".... I called nvidia for my custom built lappie when I was using OCCT (would not even run), to OC my lappie and they told me, "We restricted the use of OCCT cause folks were running the PSU test which stressed GPU and CPU at same time, but since our newer cards are unaffected by the original issue, we are going to remove the limitation soon. In the meantime, just use Furmark".