Late 90s and early 00s, there was a popular term - "Wintel".
So, it is not a strange thing if Intel and MS are again hand in hand.
Totally agree. However, I think there is a HUGE misunderstanding over what some here think any single company has the power to do, or how a single company can or can't influence the entire industry.
If one does the research, while keeping in mind all the companies and industries involved in putting together a single ATX motherboard, they might be surprised to learn how many companies must come together,
compromise, come to a consensus, and put out a standard they all agree to abide by. Look at the following list:
That is just a tiny tiny handful of the 100s and 100s of "member" companies that contribute input for creating
just the
USB standards. There is a similar list for ATX Form Factors, IEEE standards, PCIe standards, ISA, HDMI, DisplayPort, Ethernet, wifi, DDRx, and many many more.
I assure all those AMD haters, Intel haters, Microsoft haters, Apple haters, hater haters - that no one company has absolute control over anything - especially their own products. Not even the king of proprietary; Apple.
If you think about it for a second, it is truly amazing how hundreds of companies came together,
compromised, and make a device allowing you to read this post!!!!
If only politicians set aside their hate and biases, compromised and met in the middle (instead of my way or no way

) to do that.
Seems more likely AMD "the software company" screwed up. If AMD doesn't communicate or even notice issues, then that's on AMD. Intel noticed scheduling issues with Alder Lake and worked on their own and with MS to resolve them within year one, not two generations after. That's called initiative.
Yeah, I agree - this time it does seem to be an AMD software issue. And I also agree communications, or the lack there of is a HUGE issue. But that is definitely NOT a problem exclusive to AMD. Especially in these HUGE corporations where often the C-Level execs, marketing weenies, and the developers don't know what the others are doing, and worse, the C-level execs and the marketing weenies don't listen to their own customers to learn what WE want.